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I will watch you here;
I will keep you safe with me
Until the sunrise,
When it spears the eye with light,
Death and dark fleeing behind.


"But Dannnnnnnyy" the little girl whined. "It's so early!"

"I know Rora, but I wanna see the sunrise. Look how pretty it is!" he replied, pointing his finger out to the beautiful pink sunrise. The two stood on the seat situated next to the window sill, and stared off into the sunrise. It was surreal, the shade of pink illuminated the sky and the clouds. And the dark room had a tinge of pink cast upon it.

"Wow." the pair whispered in unison. Dan was mesmerised by the cotton candy coloured sky, he had his hands under his chin, supporting his head. Aurora was beside him, overlooking the Leed's Skyline in awe. She yawned, it was six in the morning after all, and they were five years old. She played with the paws of her sweater to keep her from falling asleep. But the young girls eyes gave up the battle to stay awake and fell asleep on one of her teddies.

When Dan realised she had fallen asleep he pulled the sheets over her and slept next to her, both dozing off together.

2005, High School, year 12

"Daniel, c'mon get up you lazy shit." she poked at the wild haired boy. He groaned in response. "Dan, seriously if you want to study for that test then you better get your sorry ass out of bed. I'm actually going to cut your hair off if you don't get up."

"Let me sleep....and isn't your oh-so-beloved Marshall picking you up?" He groaned.

She rolled her eyes. "He's at training." And with that Aurora whipped out her phone and played a recording of a shaver she had discreetly recorded earlier, pretending it was an actual shaver and ran it through his hair. The girl covered her mouth and snickered. He jolted upright, frantically brushing his hands through his hair. "Aurora!" He screamed. "Oh my god. No, no, no, no. I can't go to school with a bald spot." Dan said as he ran to his bathroom.

She giggled as he came back into the room, the blue eyed boy narrowed his eyes at his best friend as she crossed her legs on his bed, she smiled back, not saying a word.

"You're a little shit, aren't you."

She shrugged. As soon as Aurora knew it he walked towards her. He tackled her onto the bed and tickled her, sending her into an uncontrollable laughing fit. "Dan. Stop. Please" She said in between giggles.

"Aurora, Daniel. You two better get going. Here's some money, so you two can go grab something to eat." Dan's mother chimed in. The pair nodded and headed out the door. The two made their way to the coffee shop a two blocks down and were greeted warmly by the owner, Nora.

"Hello loves, how are you two today?" she smiled at both of them. "You little love birds dating yet?"

"We're good, how about yourself?" Aurora answered.

"And no, sorry to shatter your dreams Nora." Dan smiled and shook his head.

"Aw bummer. And likewise loves. So, the usual?"

Dan and Aurora nodded in unison. The two would come down to Nora's small cafe from time to time. Occasionally opening up shop for her and doing shifts. Every time they would come down they would order the same thing for breakfast. Dan would get a coffee plus bacon, eggs, and toast. Aurora would order either a Hot chocolate or a coffee (depends whether or not she had slept last night, really) and a BLT toasted sandwich.

It was a fair bit of time till school starts so the pair took this time to study. Last night the two accidentally fell asleep whilst studying, they said if they did end up sleeping they would wake up early and go to the cafe early to study for the math test they had first period. And, as they said, Aurora and Dan studied. The two of them ending up drinking two coffees each.

The two packed up their books and chatted for a while. Dan slumped onto his arm, one hand on his cheek, supporting his head. The other hand scribbling god-knows what onto a scrap piece of paper.

"Dan." Aurora poked. "Dannn."

His stormy blue eyes met with her beautiful green eyes, he adjusted his glasses and have her his attention.
"I was asking about what we had due this week?"

He looked to his phone and went to his notes. "Er, our English essay and my music presentation to do. Other than that, nothing really." He said as he drew a smiley face on Aurora's hand.

"Daniel, Aurora, you two best be going." Nora chirped. They nodded and waved goodbye as they exited the cafe.

Dan looked down to Aurora. She was shivering. "Come 'ere." He said as he wrapped his scarf around her. She said nothing and smiled at him.


[ Hey readers! I hope you like this new fic I'm writing. I'm lowkey exited to write this and see how it turns out. Also, this story is inspired by the poem 'Sunrise', shown in the first paragraph.

Please don't forget to vote/comment/add :)

-Denise x ]

Sunrise // a Bastille Dan Smith fanficWhere stories live. Discover now