2. Just us and the moon

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Aurora's POV

So it's six am, we were sitting next to each other, bottles in our hands, my head on his shoulder, and his head on top of mine. We were drunkenly laughing the night away, without a care in the world. I couldn't help but notice his dimples and the way his nose crinkled. I looked into his eyes and saw the bright blue orbs shine right back. And within the heat of the moment he kissed me, I closed my eyes and kissed back. I couldn't get over how smooth his lips are. I pulled away slowly from him, making his hands fall to his sides and a small sigh escaping from his mouth. "Dan-we I-I gotta go." I stutter. Good job Aurora, you've really fucked up this time.

I quickly ran home. My parents were probably on their way to work right now so I could walk into the house without any problems. I change into an over-sized sweatshirt and shorts. "No. No. No. No. I can't be falling for Dan. He's my best friend for godsakes!" I cry. I pull the duvet over my head and doze of into oblivion.


It's been a few days since the kiss between Dan and I. We agreed to forget about it and to never speak about it. Also it's been a few days since I've spoken to Marshall. And within those three days his name kept popping up onto my phone. Endless calls and texts left unanswered. I groan and throw my phone across the room. I hate this. I hate him. I haven't been to school for a few days and I've haven't slept for two days. "Aurora, love, get up, Marshall is here." my mother shouts. "She's just upstairs."

"What the fuck do you want?" I spat as he entered my room.

"Aurora, I'm sorry." he mumbled to the ground. His hazel eyes looked up at me, they were dull and they didn't light up like they usually would. The bags under his eyes stood out, his hair scruffy.

"I trusted you Marshall. I thought you changed. Get out of my room, get out of my life!"

"Aurora, please, I love you, don't do this." he choked out, his eyes going glossy.

"Get. Out." I demand. I couldn't bare the sight of him. "That was the last straw. You promised. You promised you wouldn't do that to me again. But here we are, a year later, in the same situation, different girl. Do you know how it feels? To be betrayed, Marshall? Not once but twice. Two fucking times. I can't anymore, get out." Before he could say anything else I shove him out of my room. I slump onto the back of my door, trying to hold back the tears.

I heard my mum talk to him before the door shut. Moments later I look outside the window to see him in his car. Head in his hands. Why should I forgive him? I gave him a second chance and he fucked it up.

"Aurora?" I heard Dan call. "Hold on." He jumped from his bedroom window to mine within a matter of seconds. Though, it was dangerous we did it anyway. Who has time to go through the front door when you can risk your life climbing through a window?

We went on the roof of the house and let our legs hang off the building.. "You okay Rora?" he asked.

"Did you hear everything?"

He shook his head. "I heard small parts of it though. I'm so sorry Rora." He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and pulled me close to him, his warmth radiating onto me. I laid my head on his shoulder and talked. We talked about everything and anything. We stayed in that position till two in the morning. I got up and went back inside, grabbed my duvet and wrapped it around the two of us. I liked this. It was peaceful, just us and the moon. We sat in a comfortable silence. I stare at Dan for a bit, we've drifted apart this year, because it was always Marshall this and Marshall that. I regret not spending time with him when he needed me, his grandmother who he was dearly close to had passed this year and I wasn't there for him. He looks tired, I can tell he's been putting off eating, his cheekbones were almost hollow. This isn't the Daniel I grew up with, this isn't him. Where was the boy that used to climb into my room at six in the morning to watch the sun rise? Where was the boy that used to radiate a toothy grin 24/7?

"A penny for your thoughts?" he asked, his once beautiful stormy blue eyes were dull and tired.

I looked down and then looked him in the eyes. "Dan, answer me truthfully. Are you okay?"

He stared at me for a moment, then back to the night sky. "To be honest Aurora, no. I haven't slept in two days. My parents are starting to worry about me and they are constantly up my ass. And you know when you said to forget everything that happened the night we kissed? I can't forget Aurora. I can't fucking forget it, I know we were drunk and you're my best friend but Aurora I-I love you.."

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