25. Sunrise.

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Sunrises are like people and feelings, they all go away, they come back and try can be beautiful at times but can make you cry at the same time.

They forget the love and the happy times they had and focus on the fallout.
After many failed and unanswered calls, Dan, being as stubborn as he is deletes Aurora's phone number off of his phone, purely out of spite. He then throws it out of his window, watching multiple cars run the phone over and over again. The boy is too stubborn for his own good.
Kyle, he accepted the fact that Dan refuses to listen. He thinks it's better off this way. Dan can't know that Kyle actually has feelings toward his now ex-girlfriend. Kyle tells purposely tells Dan when he's drunk, he doesn't want them back together because Kyle wants to be with Aurora. But after many attempts and phone calls she refuses. Losing contact to the two boys altogether.

You see, Aurora and Dan, both as stubborn as eachother. Both not wanting to explain or put context to what happened.

Aurora is over it. She tried to explain but Dan refused to listen. She then got Kyle to do it, but obviously Dan did not believe it. Truth is, Kyle has explained. Many, many times to Dan. He just thinks it's all one big lie and a practical joke. He was always far to drunk to indulge and process the things Kyle was trying to tell him. But in the very back of Dan's mind he truly does believe him, a small part of him really does. He's angry at himself for letting himself love his bestfriend. And letting himself get heartbroken by it, when in hindsight he saw it coming. He knew it was going to happen.

And maybe that's just how it ends. We forget the pain they caused you, or the times spent crying on the bedroom floor because they didn't believe you.
The both of them, trying to cancel out the pain with alcohol.

After they broke each others hearts, they started to write about each other. Mostly in the form of songs or poems. Describing eachother as a drug, a hurricane, a ghost.

Both of them a walking tragedy. It's been a year and the thought of that day never left their minds.
All they wanted to tell each other was how much they missed each other. You see, all they keep telling their friends and even themselves that they don't care about them, but it was yesterday that the two of them caught themselves  wanting to go to the places they would usually go to. Maybe there would be a chance that they would accidentally bump into each other. They both dismissed as a silly thought, thinking that simply seeing one another they will change their minds.

The hardest part of losing someone isn't saying goodbye but rather learning to live without them. Always trying to fill the empty void they left in your heart. Like there's a hole in their soul.
Pretending to be fine and you don't care but in reality the two of hem cannot live without each other.


On a rainy Sunday night the two were both driving back to their parents house to spend their break. Unknowing that they would both be there.

As Dan was about to exit his car he saw hers pull up into her parents drive way. His heart stopped. He cold barely see her but he could tell there was something different about her.

Aurora noticed what he had become. His eyes were sunken. The shine to his pretty blue eyes once had was nowhere to be seen. She remembered all the moments they spent together. She remembered how much she did for him. She felt her heart sink. both changed dramatically. They caught each other staring and immediately stared back to the steering wheel. Dan reversed and drove off, he'll explain to mum why he didn't show up that night.

She sighed heavily, oh Daniel. How she wished she could kiss him again. But at the same time she hated him. She hated his guys, she hated him for not believing her. You would think after being best friends for so long he'd believe her.

A part of her just wants to see him to show him what he lost. To show him she was so much more. To make him regret what he said. But another part of her knows that seeing him will sweep her under his control and fall back into his arms like nothing ever happened.
She'll find herself consumed again by the spark in his beautiful blue eyes and the calmness in his voice. She can't keep fighting for him only to lose the battle all over again. She doesn't know why she's still holding onto the thought he might come back when it's so clear he won't.

In the end, they were just two people with feelings, caught up in an idea that they could make it all work. Timing really is everything, you never really appreciate it until it stops two people from being together. And maybe one day they will run into each other and the timing will be right, their lives less hectic than they are now. They will laugh and smile and begin again, or maybe they won't.

[[hey y'all!
this is the last chapter of this story I'm so sad! And as I said before, I'm working on a sequel ;) so stay tuned for that!!

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Thank you guys so much for reading this fic, I love you all so much.

-Denise xx ]]

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