20. Sleep it off

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Dan's POV

I could hear people calling my name faintly, everything was bit fuzzy so I couldn't really make out who it was. "Dan!" they call again, this time I felt some ice cold water hit my face. I instantly open my eyes and catch my breath, revealing a very distressed but relieved Kyle and Ralph. Why did everything hurt? I groaned, each tiny bit of movement I made, made me wince in pain. What the hell happened? I observe my surroundings, I'm not in my dorm, I'm in the hallway? I sit up and look at the bruises, now I remember. Jake. That asshole.

"Mate are you okay?" Kyle says.

I nod my head, fuck I can't even tell Aurora about this, she'll go off her head. "I'm just gonna-ah fuck" I groan "go back to the dorm and sleep it off, I'm fine." Kyle didn't seem satisfied with my answer, so he sighs.

"Look Dan, you're obviously not, cut the crap, why the fuck were those assholes beating you up?". I shrug, and proceed to help myself up, gripping the wall. "Dan. Why were they kicking the fuck out of you?" he said, sternly.

"I don't fucking know Kyle, ask them yourself If you want to know that much!" I shout, storming off from the two of them. I made my way to my dorm and lock myself in the bathroom. I put my hands on either side of the sink and hung my head low. After a single tear escaped my eye I shook my head and bashed the sink, not my smartest choice, now my knuckles were bleeding. I was black and blue, bruises were painted on me like I was the canvas. My nose was bleeding and my lip was split. I was a mess.

I leaned my elbows onto the sink and ran both of my hands through my hair. I took a deep breath to calm myself down, I took my shirt off to observe the other bruises, I stared at myself in the mirror, the reflection stared right back. Maybe they were right, maybe the reason Aurora is dating me is out of pity, I mean look at me I'm fat, disgusting, ugly, no ones going to love me, and no one ever did and will. And maybe I should kill myself, no-ones going to notice.

Why do I let people walk over me?


I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression on my face. I heard my laptop go off, it was probably Aurora. I sigh and turn to the side, opening up her email.

A: hey x

D: hey

A: can u video call me?

Ah shit if I video call her she'll see all the bruises and ask what happened, and it's honestly not what I need right now, she's probably already stressed out.

D: I can't sry Kyles coming down in a min and we r going out

I ran my hand through my hair, a nervous tick I somehow have developed. I hate lying to her. But it's all I could do. I sigh and go to the kitchen. All we had was shitty fatty foods, I was tempted but I refused. I eyes the box of pizza carefully whilst I grab a glass of water. A bite wouldn't hurt would it? It didn't but I regret it, this is what Jake was telling me. Maybe it's true-scratch that, I know it's fucking true, look at me. I knock the stupid glass off of the table out of pure rage. I slid down onto the floor and put my head in my hands.

I heard the door creak open ever so slightly. Probably a mouse. I then hear Auroras voice, my heart stops. But then I hear someone else talking, Kyle. I go over to the living room to see Kyle on my laptop with Aurora. She was smiling and laughing.

"Thanks Kyle I lov-" I hear her laugh. She loves him?!

I push Kyle away from my laptop. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I spat. "Get the fuck out of here Kyle"

"Danny?" Aurora said softly. I look over to her and forcefully shut the laptop.
I shove Kyle out of the dorm, and slammed the door right in his face. How dare he go into my room, and talk to my girlfriend.

Fuck him, fuck everyone, and fuck life.

Is Aurora cheating on me with Kyle? She nearly said I love you of course she is you idiot! They were right, no one loves me. She doesn't love me. My life is one whole sick joke that never ends.


"Dan?" I heard Ralph say, I wake up but pretend to be asleep so I don't have to listen to the bullshit he has to say.
He sighs and walks off but comes back. "Look mate, I know you're awake, so I just wanted to let you know I'm here and you can talk to me whenever you want."

I sit up and stare at him, it was dark out so the moonlight shun upon his face. He takes out a cigarette and lights one up and proceeds to smoke it. I don't say a word but he hands me one, lighting it up in my mouth. We make our way to the rooftop and smoke in silence.

"Oooh look, Smithy has a boyfriend!" I heard a familiar voice call. That's fucking it. I have had enough. I put up with him for 6 years I don't need another 3 years to add to that.

I take a swing at him and hit him right in the jaw. I unconsciously keep punching him, Ralph pulling me back and begging me to stop. I shove him off me and pull Jake to the edge.

I grab his collar and whisper to him "Are you afraid of heights?"

[[ heyyyyy y'all!

The new single comes out soon, I'm so excited!!!!

Anyways please don't forget to vote/comment/follow/add

-Denise xx ]]

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