7. Neighbor

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Dan's POV

I flop onto my bed, feeling exhausted and drained. I let out a sigh and close my eyes.
"Dan!" I heard Aurora shout from her bedroom. "Open your window more!"
I did as she said, without any hesitation she climbed through the window and into my room.
"I may or may not have gotten the exam timetable and what we have to study sheet two month early..."

"How th-"

"Daniel! Aurora! we're going over to the new neighbors."

"Okay!" We shouted back. 

"I like how mum just knows you're here" I chuckle. We made our way down the stairs and walked with mum to the neighbors. We were greeted by a lovely lady, she looked the same age as mum. We followed her into their living room and sat. The sound of knocking filled the silence, must be Aurora's parents. We all greeted each other and our parents chatted away. A few moments later a boy, who I assume is around me and Aurora's age emerges into the room. He sits next to his father and smiles politely. 

"Hi, I'm Kyle" he greets us. 



His mum tells him to take us upstairs to their other living room. "You're going to Alberton High right?" (I just made that up idk if its a real school lmao) Aurora asks. Oh thank god she said something, if that was me, it would've been years till I initiated any type of social interaction. 

"Yeah, I start tomorrow." 

"Cool, I was told by the teachers that there would be a new student and I had to give a tour." 

We sat down on the couches and Aurora and Kyle had engaged in a conversation. I fiddled with my laces for a bit, not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

"Dan, right?" Kyle says. I perk my head up and nod. "What uni are you going to?"

"I'm not sure, but probably Leeds because it the closest." 

He nods his head, "what you planning on studying?"

I shrug, "I dunno, maybe English lit because I want to become a journalist or something."

"Ohh, that sound sick!"

Before we could say anything more we were called to dinner. Our parents slowly embarrassing us with every word escaping their mouths, laughter and happiness filled the house. Everything has been going great lately, everything's going my way and nothing shitty has happened.

[[ ...yet (dun DuN DUNNNN) 

Hi guys! What are your thoughts about this story so far? (comment below). I think this story will be more thought out than my other fics lololol bc I think after a few years of being on wattpad my writing skills have turned less shitty.

Anyways...please don't forget to vote/comment/add because think of the children!

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