11. Senior Prank

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Dan's POV

Graduation was a few days away and I couldn't be more excited. It's Thursday morning, currently 1:50 am.Today was the day of the senior prank. Our school went to desperate measures for the pranks, each year trying to top the previous.  Kyle had somehow been part of planning it, even though he was new and there was a whole group of people who have been planning this for I think a whole year now. They told us to bring some tinfoil and to be at school by 2, nothing else. I sneaked out the window the same time as Aurora. She had some part in planning this whole thing too but she refuses to tell me. I wore some black jeans and a black hoodie, Aurora wore the same but with black leggings.

"Hurry up Dan." She giggled. We saw Kyle run from his house to my car within a matter of seconds. He jumped in the backseat and we proceeded to drive to school.

To my surprise the whole entire year level was here. Everyone had a few packs of tinfoil in their hands. Kyle ran to the front and smirked. "Guys, this is Bobby, Gertrude, Darla, and Billy. Meet the newest members of the school!" He announced, revealing 4 goats. What the fuck?

The halls echoed our laughter. The plan was that a few people would stick up the same photo of Shrek at the start of the corridor, then we start to cover the rest of the corridor with tinfoil, the office and staff room will be filled with balloons, and the goats will be released at 7:00 am. Sounds like a plan. We worked our way through the night. It took us a few hours but we managed. We were then assigned to work on a huge sign for the back of the school, Kyle handed us a piece of paper of what it should say, 'Senior year 2005, Sorry this goat out of hand.' it read.

"Oh my god that's so fucking stupid I love it" Aurora laughed. Half of the senior year were assigned to help out as it was going to be massive. With all the teamwork we managed to paint it in under 3 hours. Everyone went back home, except a few students stayed behind to release the goats.

The halls of the school were silver, every single surface, bin, locker, door, in the school corridor was foiled. The teachers staff room filled, and by filled I mean that it took us half an hour just to close the door, the balloons reached the ceiling. And the goats, the goats were going to be happily roaming around the school soccer field in approximately three hours.



All the seniors were instructed to meet at the front of the school. Kyle was going to open the doors 2 minutes before the bell rings, there was a whole heap of students waiting to go in, the goats were roaming the soccer field, and everything is going to plan. The principal and a whole bunch of teachers pulled up to the school. 

Oh, this is going to be fun.

Kyle and one of his mates opened the doors after a whole of of students begging to go in. As they let the hoard of teenagers into the building, laughter and gasps filled the silence in the silver hall. Aurora and I eyed the staff room, the teachers had a horrified look wiped across their faces. We high-fived and ran to the back of the school where the rest of us where. A whole heap of students soon arrived at the soccer field. Standing there in shock. 


The crowd grew larger and the teachers were telling students to go to class. 

"Can students please make their way to class." the principle said over the speakers. And with that we knew that we had topped the previous years senior prank, their sticky note hall way has nothing on us, we went all out.

The class of 2005, we're finally out of the shit hole.


[[ Holaaaaaaaa frens!

Graduation is coming up, senior prank is done! Okay, story time. I'm not even kidding, the year 12's last year at my school brought goats to the school for their senior prank and they were just roaming the soccer pitch freely, and maintenance had to chase them down, it was hilarious. 

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-Denise xx ]]

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