Chapter 6

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*** My alarm woke me up at 6:30 little earlier than usual. I throw on some dark green jeans, black sweater and all black converses. I do a messy fishtail braid to the side and apply some eyeliner and mascara to my eyes. Class start at 8:30. Damn I have a lot of time to kill. I grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. I walked to the nearest ‘biker café’ you could call it. At least I don’t have to walk far to get to my campus. Once I make it inside, I notice a lot of people are here. How is it so busy? I recognize Alex stupid blue hair almost immediately. She is sitting in the back, sitting on… Are you fucking kidding me? She’s sitting on Niall. Harry, Zayn, Liam and some girls that were at the diner on Saturday were with them.  Ugh. I hate people I swear. I take a seat at the bar; I order a tall black coffee. I’m not that hungry after what I just saw. “Hey, Jade.” A voice says. I look beside me to find Louis sitting on a bar stool next to mine. “Oh hey Louis.” I smile. “So, how have you been?” He asks, after he orders a coffee. “Good. How about you?” “Great. How was your date with Niall.” He almost laughs. “It was actually good. He bought my dinner. And he came back to my room and kissed me.” I say. Shit, maybe I shouldn’t have told him. “What?” He spits out his coffee. “Yeah..” I say looking down. “Okay now that’s so weird of him. What is happening to him?” He says, talking to himself, yet to me too. “Well, look over there. He isn’t changing that much.” I say pointing at Niall. He follows my hand towards Niall. He scoffs. When I look back, I see Niall’s mouth on Alex’s. I think I might puke. “I better go.” I say not looking at Louis. “You okay?” He asks grabbing my arm. “Yeah.” I lie. I quickly exit. Am I okay?  I don’t know. I shouldn’t feel like this. Niall just asked me on the date to get in my pants. Alex is right. The bet is real. I putting all the pieces to the puzzle together. Fuck. I’m so stupid. It all makes sense. I make it to class before the bell rings. I take a seat in the back again. Fuck Niall and his seat. The door opens and in walks Niall, Zayn and Harry. I roll my eyes and look away. “Late again boys.” The professor says not looking up. They take their seats next to me. “Babe, that’s my seat.” Niall growls. “I fucking know.” I scoff. “Damn. What’s wrong with you?” He says. “You.” I harshly say. “What the hell did I do?” Niall says a little too loudly. “Mr.Horan I advise to keep your mouth shut.” The professor says, going back facing us. I feel eyes burning into my skin. “What did I do to you.” He whispers. I ignore him for the remainder of class. As soon as the bell rings, I bolt out of my seat and make an escape to the door. When I make it outside, a hand wraps around my wrist, pulling me back with a lot of force. I turn around to be facing Niall. “Come with me.” He says. “Why.” “We need to talk.” I follow him. He stops when we reach the back alley of the school. “Why are you made at me? What did I do?” He asks quietly. “Because. Last night was amazing. Then the next day I see you making out with Alex.” I say. “You’re mad at me cause I made out with Alex? You’re gonna be mad at me a lot then.” He says not looking at me. “I just thought, that I don’t know what I thought.” “You thought that after the date, you were gonna be the only girl in my life. That we were gonna date? Babe, that was a one-time thing. I don’t know what I was thinking. Just forget about the date. It never happened. You’re not my type. You’re not hot enough anyways.” He says finally looking at me. “I..i..” I couldn’t say anything. I couldn’t stop the tears that were running down my face. How could he say that to me. “Don’t cry Jade. Please don’t cry.” Niall said coming towards me. “Don’t. fucking leave me alone.” I manage to say. “Jade, please.” “STOP ACTING LIKE YOU FUCKING CARE.” I yell. He backs away. I can’t do this. I need to go. I turn around and sprint away. My vision is blurry and I fall into someone. “Jade?” I look up meeting, Zayn’s eyes. I quickly look away, trying to walk away, but Zayn grabs my arm. “Let go.” “Not until you tell me why you are crying.” I was about to tell him, but I heard his voice. “ZAYN GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER.” Niall screams. Why is this happening. I just want to jump in a hole in Africa. “Was it Niall?” Zayn asks. I nod. “What did he do?” “I got to go.” I say, getting out of Zayn’s grasp, before Niall made his way over to us. “Why were you touching her.” Niall spat. “Fuck you man.” Zayn spits back. Niall flips Zayn off, and Zayn turns to me, “I’ll text you.” “No you won’t.” Niall interrupts. Zayn rolls his eyes and walks away. “Why was he touching you.” He asks me. “Fuck you.” I bluntly say. Niall grabs my arm once again, “Jade.” “Just leave me alone.” “I can’t.” He says. He releases his grip and I run away.

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