Chapter 14

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I haven’t had that nightmare since I was 15 years old. It all happened when I was 12. My mom died when I was 10, my older sister was 13 at the time. As time processed after my mother’s death my father got abusive and he was drunk all the time. But one night, I woke up to screaming. I ran downstairs and my father was on top of my sister. She was half naked, and he only had his boxers on. She was yelling at him to get off. He kept hitting her. He wouldn’t stop, until I screamed. But he only beat her up worse. She told to go back to my room, I couldn’t leave her. She was crying so hard. I didn’t know what to do. But, dad got up and went over to me, before he could touch me I ran to my room and hid under my bed. That night, my sister came into my room. She kissed me and told me she loved her. That was the last time I saw her. She ran away the next day. But she didn’t get far. She was kidnapped, raped and murdered. Her body was found in an old warehouse.  I never felt so lost. My father got arrested the following week. He’s in prison for life. People said he’s the one that killed my sister, but the case is still unsolved. I was 12 years old, when all this happened. I stopped having the nightmares years ago. I lived with my Grandma until I got here, to college. *** I wake up to my alarm at 7 AM. I wanted to lie in bed all day, but I couldn’t skip two days in a row. I made myself get out of bed and I took a quick shower. I was to lazy to actually do my hair so I threw it up in a messy bun. I pulled on some black yoga pants and I slipped on a white rolling stones shirt. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I had bags under my eyes and they were puffy. I applied some foundation and concealer. It still looked like I’ve been crying for hours. No what? Fuck it. I tied my white converses and I grabbed my bag. I had enough time to get a coffee, so that’s what I did. I walked my way to Starbucks and I ordered a tall skinny vanilla latte. I got my order quick, and I walked out the door the breeze blowing in my face. It sent shivers up my spine. I should’ve grabbed a jacket before I left. I was so lost in thought that I ran into a something, or someone. Luckily I didn’t spill my coffee. I look up meeting Louis concerned eyes. “Jade? Are you okay? You look like crap.” “Geez thanks. Nice to see you too.” “I’m sorry, I mean you look stunning.” He smiles. “Now, what’s wrong?” I take a deep breath, and I explain to him everything that happened yesterday from the date with Niall to what happened outside my door with Alex. “Wow.” Louis says, not to surprised. “That’s awful. And he said it right outside your door?” I nod, fighting back tears. I know it doesn’t seem like a big deal, but I cry easily. I asked him one fucking question. “What does Niall do? As in work?” I ask, changing the subject. “Well, in his free time he goes down to the local orphanage and he plays a lot of basketball. That’s all I know. Everyone says he’s like some sort of big fighter boxer guy. But those could be rumors. He doesn’t seem like the type to box.” He says.  “Alright. Well, I got to get to class. I’ll talk to you later Louis.” “Jade? I’m always here for you.” Louis smiles. “Thanks.” I smile back, I speed walk to my first class, and I realize I have this class with Niall. Shit. I sit on the exact opposite side of the classroom. Last row still but in the corner. The door flies open, and in walks Niall, Zayn and Harry. Wow they aren’t late. Niall searches the room for me, but he doesn’t see me. Harry beat him to it. Harry catches my eyes and he smirks before walking towards me with Zayn trailing behind him. They both take the seats that are open on either side of me. “Hey.” Harry says, looking at me. “Hi guys.” I mumble. “Are you going to the party tonight?” “Yeah, are you guys?” “No shit we are! Do you need a ride? I’m already taking Zayn, Louis and Addison.” Harry replied. “Um yeah sure. Thanks.” “Great we will pick you up at 8.” “Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask, are you free Sunday?” Harry asks. “Yeah, I think so. Why?” “I’m performing at the bar on 2nd street, and the gangs going so I thought I would invite you.” He smiles. “What are you performing?” “A new song I wrote.” “You sing?” “Yup. You’ll be surprised how hot I sing.” He grins. I roll my eyes and try to pay attention to what the professor says. I think I dozed off half way through the class, because Zayn nudged me awake. The bell finally rings and I collect all my stuff and I turn in my homework. I flee out the door only to be stopped by Zayn. “Hey, are you okay?” “Yeah.” “You sure?” “Yeah, just tired.” Tired of life. “Okay, babe.” He kisses my cheek and walks away. I sit down on a empty bench and I cradle my head in my hands. “Jade?” I look up at Niall. I don’t want to talk to him. “Are you okay?” “No.” I croak out. “Do you want to talk about it?” I nod but shake my head. Do I trust Niall? *** Niall takes me to a diner for brunch. I’m starving. We find a nice quiet booth in the back and Niall slides in beside of me. He orders for himself and I. “I don’t want to push you, but you can tell me.” He says, wrapping his arm around me, rubbing small circles on my shoulder. His touch is so comforting. Okay, here goes. He is gonna be the only one to know beside my grandma. “It started when my mom died. I was 10, my sister was13. She died of lung cancer. My dad. He got worse when she died. He got drunk almost every night and he hit us every chance he got. One night, I heard my sister scream. I ran downstairs and I her, them. They were both half naked and he was on top of her. Beating her. She kept screaming, telling him to stop. But he just spit in her face and laughed. She saw me and told me to hide. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t leave her. So I screamed. I don’t know why but I screamed. That got dad really angry he came after me but I hide under my bed and held my breath. Later that night my sister came into my room. She told me she was sorry and that she loved me. I didn’t know what she meant. I didn’t know that was the last time I was gonna see her. The next day she ran away. The following week the cops found her body in an old warehouse. She had been kidnapped, raped and killed. My father got arrested a few days later. My grandma took me into her care. I just. i.” I couldn’t speak anymore. I choked on tears. Niall pulled me close. “IS that why you were scared in the car?” I nod. Niall actions reminded me of my dad. “Oh my god Jade. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” Niall says, I think he’s crying. “I heard you and Alex. I heard everything.” I say, shooing Niall’s touch away. “You heard?” “Old times huh?” I say, looking him in the eyes. “Jade, it’s not like that.” “THEN WHAT IS IT FUCKING LIKE?” I yell. Customers glares look our way. I really want to flip everyone off right now. “Look, I’m sorry okay? Just drop it.” Niall mumbles. “Okay.” I mumble. “Are you going to party tonight?” It bugs me that he doesn’t tell me shit. He is with Alex basically, I think. Me and Niall would never work out. We would never date. Would we? ***Niall takes me back to school after we have brunch and I make it to my last class on time. The professor was late like always, so everyone basically left. But I stayed to talk with Addison. She noticed something was up right away. “Niall. I don’t know. I think I may like him. But him and Alex.” I say, explaining to her everything that happened yesterday. She listened contently. “I’m so sorry Jade. Niall can be a dick, and not know what he’s saying, but he’ll come around.” She says, bringing me into a tight embrace. “Trust me, Niall doesn’t like Alex like that he’s just likes to screw.” “Okay, that is reassuring.”  I gulp. “Do you know he does? Like work wise?” I ask. “Yeah, he’s a boxer, well more like fighter  at the gym on main street I think.” “That’s his job?” “Yeah, I think he’s a trainer or something. But he part times at the shop.” “Shop?” “Car shop, like a mechanic.” “Oh.” “Why?” She raises an eyebrow. “Because, like I told you he didn’t tell what his work was. He got pissed at me. Said it wasn’t any of my goddamn business.” “Niall doesn’t like anyone to know about him. He’s weird.” I huff at her last remark. Weird is one word I would use. “Well, I promised I would meet Louis at his place, so I better run!” She says, she gives me a quick hug and runs out the door. Fuck this I aint saying no more. I grab my stuff and I walk around campus. My stomach growls by the time I reach my dorm. Really? I pull out my car keys and I walk to my car. I drive around until I spot a McDonalds. I know it’s gross but I love fast food. Hell, I love food in general. I’m too lazy to actually get out of my car so I go to the drive thru. After I order, my phone rings. Harry’s name flashes onto the screen. Why is he calling me? “Hello?” I ask into the phone. “Hi. Um, so actually Zayn and I gonna be picking you up. Is that cool?” “Um, yeah. That’s fine.” “Okay, cool. We will be there at 8 or so.” “Cool, bye.” I hang up. He couldn’t just text me? I pay the guy and he hands me my bag of oh so delicious food. I make it back to my room by 4:30. I sit on my bed and eat my dinner I guess. Once, I finished I walk to my closet to find an outfit to wear tonight. After searching for 30 minutes I can’t find anything. Looks like I get to go shopping! I grab my wallet and I jump in my car and go to the local mall. I made my way to Forever 21 my favorite store ever. I find the cutest outfit to wear tonight. It’s a red and black with blue bustier and some tight black jeans. I also, find multiple jeans, dresses, skirts and shirts. I’m sorry I have an addiction. I grab my bags, which is a lot of bags and I ram them in the backseat of my car. *** I get back to my dorm at 6:30. Shit. I throw my new clothes in my closet and I quickly plug in my curling iron. I throw on my outfit and I slip on my black combat boots. I apply some black eyeliner to my eyelid and my waterline. I coat my lashes with dark mascara. I swipe my lips with a dark red/maroon lipstick. I pull my hair out of my ponytail and I brush it out. I curl my hair and I tease it up like usual. I unplug my iron and I spray a mango perfume all over my body. I make sure I have my phone, keys and wallet in my bag and I take one more look in the mirror. I look good. A knock sounds at my door and open it to Harry, wearing a plaid flannel shirt with the sleeves pulled up to his elbows, tight black jeans hang loosely around his waist. He looks really good. He eyes me up and down taking in every inch of my body. His eyes finally meet my mine. “Shall we go?” he asks, holding his hand out. I gladly take it and shut my door.

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