Chapter 9

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Sweet. I won’t be alone tonight. I brush my hair and touch up my makeup. I still look good. I grab my bag, making sure I have my phone, wallet and keys. I walk out my door and lock it. I quickly skip down to the parking lot, waiting for Harry’s arrival. He finally shows up, in his black Jeep. He honks once, even though he knows I saw him. I climb into the car, and he pulls away from the curb when I haven’t even shut my door yet. “Where are we going?” I ask looking out the window. “Bowling Alley. Everyone’s already there.” He says. “Oh, who?” “Niall, Alex, Louis, Addison, Tammy, Beth, Amy, Drew, Liam, Zayn, Steven, Kurt. The usual gang.” “Oh, I thought Louis and Addison were on a date?” “They were until we came.” He laughs. Poor Addison. I feel bad for her. She was really excited to be alone with him. And for this date. We make it to the bowling alley in less than 10 minutes. Once we step out of the car, Harry places his arm over my shoulder. I try to shrug him off me, but he keeps placing his arm over my shoulders. “Listen, don’t fight. I fucking brought you here. I didn’t have to.” He growls. I scoff. “Good girl.” He laughs. We make it inside and we find the group of our friends. Or his friends. I remember the girl, that was dancing on Harry at the party, her name is Amy. Niall looks up at me and frowns. I realize Harry’s arm is still over my shoulders. “Jade!” Addison runs to me and hugs me. Harry finally drops his arm off me. Thank god. “Can I talk to you. Alone.” I nod, grabbing her hand heading towards the bathroom. Once, we safely reach the bathroom, Addison flips shit. “I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE THAT MY DATE IS RUINED. FUCKING NIALL AND ALEX SHOW UP AND SEE US AND THEY INVITE EVERYONE. LOUIS IS JUST ACING LIKE THIS ISNT A DATE AT ALL. ERGGUGH. IM SO FUCKING PISSED. AND FUCKING TAMMY BITCH IS ALL OVER LOUIS. AND ALEX, DON’T FUCKING GET ME STARTED WITH ALEX. I HATE HER. I REALLY DO.” She yells. I think my ears are bleeding. “I’m sorry Hun. I really am. What did Alex do?” “She started talking about you. And I know we barely know each other, but I really like you. And I already consider you my friend. Possibly my best friend.” She says. Aw. “What did she say?” “Well, she says your style sucks, and that you’re a wannabe fake. And she was telling Niall a whole lot of shit that aint true.” “What the fuck is her problem?” “She’s jealous. She’s jealous that Niall likes you and not her. Jealous that every guy thinks you’re hot as shit. I mean look at you.” She says. I smile. “Thanks, but can I tell you something she told me.” “Yes, you can tell me anything.” “Okay, but you can’t tell anyone. I’m not even sure it’s true. But one day, Alex came up to be saying, the guys have this bet. The guys pick a girl, and they each try to sleep with her, if one guy is successful the other guys pay up. And she told me they picked me, that’s why all the guys are nice and talking to me. That’s why Niall is all nice to me.” I let out. “I’m sorry but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s true. But I would ask them about it.” “That’s the point, I can’t. Alex threatened me.” “Oh, hell no. That bitch!” Addison exclaims. “Yeah, I don’t know what to do.” I say looking down. “I advise you to tell the guys, and let me deal with the bitch.” “Okay, I’ll think about it.” I smile. “We should head back.” “Let’s” We both walk out of the bathroom and towards the bowling lanes. “Where were you guys?” Louis asks, when we back it back to the group. “Bathroom.” Addison mumbles. “Do you want to go somewhere to eat? Or eat here?” Louis asks Addison. “Let’s go somewhere, if it’s not too much trouble.” “No, let’s go. Bye guys.” Louis says taking Addison hand and flees the scene. Addison turns around and mouths me a sorry. I return the apology with a smile. “Well, this is fucking boring, I’m gonna go to the party on 8th anyone up for it?” Liam asks. Everyone nods except me. “Jade? Want to go?” Drew smirks. “Not with you. I’ll just stay here.” “God, you’re such a loser. I don’t get why you guys like her. She’s so prissy and annoying. No fun at all. Just a Virgin Mary.” Alex says. My blood is fucking boiling. How dare she say that about me. “Would you shut the fuck up? I’m not even a virgin.” I yell. All of a sudden everyone eyes are on me. “Oh, I was wrong. You’re a fucking whore.” “No. I’m not a fucking whore. Want to know who’s a whore, look in a fucking mirror.” “Shut the fuck up before I make you.” She screams back. “Me shut the fuck up? Do you want me to tell them what you told me bitch?” Her eyes widen. “You wouldn’t fucking dare.” She says. I smirk. “Tell us what.” Harry interrupts. Oh now someone speaks up. “Try me bitch.” I let out. When did I get so mean? I’m never like this. “Tell us what?” Zayn says. “That you guys have some sort of bet going on. And you guys picked me. I’m not stupid.” I say looking Alex straight in the eye. “You fucking bitch.” Alex screams attacking me. I fall straight onto my butt. Liam pries her off me. “What bet?” Niall asks. He’s still here? “She told me about you bet. The bet where you pick a girl to fuck. Whichever guy fucks her first the other guys pay up. And you guys picked me.” “What are you talking about? That’s not true. We have never done anything like that.” “Fucking bitch, your ruining everything.” Alex screams trying to get out of Liam grasp. “What the fuck Alex? Why would you tell her that?” Niall says, facing Alex. “Because. I know you guys think she’s hot. She needs to fucking stay away from all of you. I’m the only girl your guys need. She needs to know that your mine Niall. So I made up a fucking sob story. Face it Jade. They only like you for your body. Niall doesn’t even like you. Just wants in your pants. Why do you think he took you on that date?  Even though the bet isn’t real, doesn’t mean they aren’t using you. Look at you. They just think you’ll be a good fuck that’s it. Nothing more. So get over yourself. Niall will never fall for you. All that shit he said to you about wanting you, needing you was complete crap. He told me himself. He actually laughed at you, believing him.” I look at Niall. His head is down. Is it true? It has to be. She knows everything. I can’t believe this psycho bitch. “You’re a fucking psychotic bitch.” I mutter. “You’ve got that right.” Harry agreed. “Alex, how about you just fuck off.” Zayn says. “See what YOU did?” Alex screams. I flip her off and run away. “Jade wait!” Niall screams. Part of me wants to turn around but I can’t. I don’t want to face him. I feel so stupid. “Jade please wait!” Niall said running after me. “Leave me alone.” I say. I can’t take it any longer. Once I make it outside, the tears flow out of eyes. I can’t help it, I cry easily. “Jade please.” Niall yells. He’s catching up. My legs are giving up on me. Fucking traitors. I don’t see the curb, so I trip. Wow, just fucking great. I can hear Niall trying to stifle a laugh, but it doesn’t work. “Jade are you okay?” He laughs. “I’m just fucking great.” I mutter. Niall can tell I won’t be getting up soon, so he sits down next to me. “Is it true?” I ask after a few seconds of silence. “Yes. No. Part of it. It’s true I do want you. It’s not true that I just want in your pants.” “But she sai-.” Niall interrupts me. “I know what she said. I did laugh at you. But not like that. I wasn’t laughing to make fun of you. I wouldn’t have kissed you, if I just wanted to sleep with you. I wouldn’t have asked you to ditch with me. Jade, I really want you.” He says. “Let’s get out of here.” He says, standing up. He offers his hand down to me. I grab without hesitating. “Do you mind if we skip on Thursday. I just want to be alone tomorrow.” I say. “Sure Love. Anything for you.” He smiles. He walks me back to my place. Pretty much silent the whole time, but a comfortable silence. “Well, here we are.” He says, once we reach my door.” “Thanks for walking me home.” “No problem. Jade, I’m sorry for what happened tonight. Alex is crazy.” “No kidding.” “Get some rest, I’ll see you tomorrow. Oh and don’t sit in my seat again. That’s your last warning.” He winks. “Goodnight Niall.” I laugh. “Goodnight Jade.”  Niall kisses my forehead and he quickly leaves. I unlock my door and shut it. I slide down against the wall until I reach the floor. Am I already falling for Niall?

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