Chapter 28

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Hey my lovely readers! I want to thank all of you that read Taking Chances, I almost have 800 reads and that is crazy. I didnt think anyone would like my writing, but you guys keep me going. ANd i'm so thankful for it.

I dont want to ask alot out of you guys, but plewaseee Vote, Read, Fan, and Comment. I would mean alot. i want to know what you guys think! Follow me on IG: halley__schroeder and on Twitter: @Halley_Shroeder

Thank you all! I love you all as well(:

xoxo Halley xoxo



I’ve been at this party for quite a while and I can’t find Jade anywhere. I gave up around 10 o’clock and I went outside to the bonfire to smoke.

Now, I’m back inside and I’m asking everyone if they’ve seen Jade. But everyone has said, no they haven’t seen here. Bunch of pricks.

I gulp down a shot of vodka from off the counter and I make my way up the stairs in search of a bathroom. I finally found one at the end of the hall and I quickly use it. Exiting the bathroom, I zip up my fly and I hear cries and yelling coming from the room across the hall. Should I check it out?

Nah, probably just some crazy sex going on. I continue to walk down the hall towards the staircase, but I immediately stop when I hear my name being called. It’s Jade. I recognize her voice anywhere.

And it’s coming from the other end of the hall. No, please no. I plead silently, while I sprint down the hall. I make it to the door and I her. “Niall. Please.” She whales. I try for the knob, but it’s locked.

Fuck, I back up and run to the door, knocking it straight off it’s hinges and me landing right on my feet. The sight in front of me, makes my mouth drop and tears start to form in my eyes, but they soon disappear and I can feel my blood start to boil.

This prick will pay.


Drew latches onto my hair and makes me get on my knees. I know exactly what he wants me to do. And I’m not going to do it.

“Come on, be a good girl and do it.” Drew smacks me. I sob even louder and one person comes to mind. “NIALL.” I scream, hoping he will save me. But it’s no use, I doubt he can hear me. All I know he could have left already.

“Shut up!” He smacks me again. “Niall.” I plead.

“Niall please.”

“I said shut up!” “Ni..-.” I’m interrupted by the door flying down and I see a blonde bloke standing there.


His eyes go from me to Drew. Us being in just our underwear. Please, don’t think I actually wanted this. His eyes start to water but they soon start to get dark and they aren’t the pretty shade of blue I love. His muscles clench. And he cracks his knuckles, before tackling into Drew, throwing punches left and right.

But Drew finally steps it up and pushes Niall off of him, and he punches Ni straight in the jaw.  But that set Niall off, he flings Drew off of him and jumps on him, slamming his head repeatedly in the hard wooden floor.

“Think it’s cool to hit a lady? You fucking disgusting prick. Waste of fucking space.” He spits on him and continuing to slam his head into the ground.

Drew’s eyes soon close and I’m afraid he’s dead. But I see his chest still rise slightly and I thank god he’s not dead. For Niall’s sake. My breathing is rapidly increasing and I’m hiding in the corner afraid of what next.

“Jade?” Niall calls for me. He searches until he finds me. “Jade, come out. It’s okay, he’s not going to hurt you anymore.” He reaches his hand out. I take his hand and he helps me up, pulling me into his chest.

I cry into his shoulder and he rubs my back. “Shh. It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here now.” He breathes into me. “I’ll keep you safe.” He whispers. He places a kiss on my head and his touch relaxes me.

“You’re staying with me tonight.” “Please.” I say, agreeing. He lets go of me, and a tear escapes my eyes and he shoos it away with his thumb.

He unzips his hoodie he is wearing and he places it around me, zipping it up, it hangs down to about my thighs and it’s nice and cozy, besides the fact is splattered with blood. He picks up my jeans and shoes and he hands them to me. I pull the jeans over my bare legs and I slip on my shoes

. I turn to the door, but Niall has other plans. He lifts me up off my feet and he places me in his arms; bridal style. He walks down the hall with me in his arms, and we descend down the stairs, making our way to front door. But we come to a stop, when we hear Drew.

“We will have to continue you that later, Jay.” I thought he was unconscious.

I take in his appearance and he has loads of bruises scattered on his face. “Don’t fucking call me Jay.” I shout, everyone stops and looks at us, wondering what the hell happened. Niall, sets me down, but I reach for his arm pulling him back. But he shakes me off. “

You fuckin touch my girlfriend again, you’re fucking dead.” He rises his fist and makes a head motion across his throat. “See you soon, Jay.” Drew walks into the crowd, disappearing from our view.

“Come on, let’s go.” Niall grabs my hand and leads me to his car. The walk through the woods was scary and I held onto his hand tighter. He lets go of my hand, and wraps an arm around me.

The gesture comforts me and makes me feel protected. We finally make it Niall’s car and he helps me in. He jogs over to the driver’s side and soon enough he starts the engine and backs out of the woods. “Are you okay?” He asks, grabbing my hand. “No.” I answer honestly. I don’t know what to think. I’m shaken up, and I’m scared. “It’s okay babe, I’m not going anywhere.” He says softly.

A single tear escapes my eye and I quickly wipe it away. “You do you want to stay at my house?” “Yes. I don’t want to be alone.”

“Good, I wasn’t going to take no as an answer.” He smiles. The thing was, I couldn’t smile back. I didn’t want to. I wasn’t really in a smiling mood. Laying my head on the door rest, I close my eyes and I begin to drift off to sleep, with Niall’s quiet humming and the radios fuzzy sound.

*** The next day was an entire blur and I barely made it through the day and I’m still staying at Nialls. Which is good, I can’t stand being alone. Everyone has been bombarding me with questions. Some even say I’m lying and that I wanted it. Fucking bullshit. Were they in the room? No, so shut the hell up. I thought I left all the drama and rumors in middle school, guess not.

Addison hasn’t returned any of my texts or calls, and she hasn’t been at school the past two days. I’m worried about her and I sure hope she didn’t hear about the bad rumors going around. I don’t want her to think of me like that.                                                                                                 

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