Chapter 29

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Hey beautiful :) I promised i would update tonight so here it is!

It's short and i'm sorry i had a very busy day! Went shopping :) I'll be updating on Tuesday and it will be a treat!

xoxo Halley xoxo


“Babe? I made you some hot tea.” Niall’s voices, welcomes me back to reality. He sets down the mug on the coffee table

. “Thanks.” I sit up from laying on the couch in the living room. “Do you want to order some take out?” “Sure, I don’t feel like going out.”

“Same,  I’m going to go get it and pick up some movies.” He smiles.

“Could you get a horror movie?” I ask.  “Sure, as long as you hold me while we watch it.” He smiles jokingly. “Be back in a hour.” He grabs the keys off the table and makes his way out the door, shutting it behind him.

I grab the mug off the table and take a sip of the citrus liquid. 

A lot has happened the past few days and I’m still trying to process it all. All this thinking has given me a headache. I set my mug back down on the table and I walk to the bathroom in search of some Advil.

*** “Honey, I’m home!” Niall’s voices rings throw the entryway. I giggle slightly, thinking of playing husband and wife like when I was little.

“In the kitchen babe.” I call out.

His foots steps slouch against the wooden floor making their way to the kitchen.  I can hear him set something done on the island guessing the food.

“Well, hello love.” He whispers in my ear while wrapping his strong arms around me.

“Hello.” I smile.

“Whatcha doin.” He hums into my ear. “Getting plates.” I try to reach up and grab some plates but I fail. “Here, let me.” He unhooks his arms from around me and reaches up and grabs two plates off the top shelf.

“Thank you.” “No problem.” He hands me the plates. I take them and I get some forks. “Water or pop?” “Water please.” “Good choice.” He smirks pouring water into two cups.

We take all the stuff into the living room and we get situated before we pile Chinese food onto our plates. “So what movies did you get?” “World War Z. Looks good. Brad Pitt is in it I believe.” “Really!? I love Brad Pitt.” He lets out a chuckle. “What he’s a great actor.” I defend him.  “He’s alright.” I roll my eyes and push him slightly.

“Put it in.” “Okay.” He smirks. He gets up from off the couch, and begins to unbuckle his belt. “Niall! What are you doing.” I cover my eyes. “You said to put it in.” He laughs. “You’re a pervert.” I mumble. “Ouch that hurt.” I hear him buckle his jeans and put the MOVIE in the dvd player. I uncover my eyes and take a sip of my water.

“All set.” Niall sits back down on the couch, pushing the play button on the remote and setting his plate on his lap. I sign and dig into my food. I got to say I’m in love with this Chinese food.  It’s really good. We are about halfway through the movie and it’s actually not bad. I glance over at Niall, and I can’t help but stare.

His eyes are glued to the screen and a slight smile lays upon his mouth and his eyes dazzle from the faint light coming from the television.  His features are just near perfect. No one is absolutely perfect but Niall is near perfection.

 Small black earrings are dodged into his ears and two black earrings are placed underneath his lips. And there is abarely noticeable diamond nose piercing. That’s it for the piercings, I hope.

Hopefully he doesn’t have a dick piercings. AHAHA that would be bad. Ouch, I wonder how much those hurt.

“What are you starring at?” Niall snaps me out of my thoughts. I come back to reality to have Niall facing me and the movie is on pause.

Shit I was caught.  

“Sorry. You’re just so beautiful.” I blush and look down. “I’m not supposed to be beautiful.” I look up and I see him smiling at me.

“Besides you’re the beautiful person in the room.” He lifts my chin up and leans in, placing his lips on mine.  I kiss back without hesitation.

His lips are so soft and his breath tastes like mint and vanilla. Mixed with cigarettes. Damn smokers. I don’t get why people smoke you’re basically slowly killing yourself.

My dad used to smoke, I shuddered at the thought of him, I wonder if he’s still in jail.

“Kiss me Jade.” I didn’t realize Niall’s lips are still on mine, but I’m still. I continue to kiss him. We both pull apart a few minutes later and he pulls me into his lap and lies down.

I yank the blanket from off the head on the couch and set it on top of us. I place my head on his chest and I can his heartbeat, and I soon find myself drifting off to sleep.

 *** “Jade, wake up.” I hear Niall’s raspy morning voice through my ears. “No.” I mutter rolling over. “Come on. It’s noon. We got to get on the road at 2. Now wake up and get ready.” “Ugh.” I groan, I sit up and I rub my eyes trying to rid of the tiredness

. “I’ll make some lunch.” He places a kiss on my forehead, and exiting the room. I pull the blanket off of me and I climb out of bed. When did I get into his bed? All I remember is falling asleep on the couch.

I shrug and walk to the bathroom, turning on the shower and climbing in.    


I walk into the kitchen and I listen for the shower running, when I do I pull out my phone and I call Harry.

“Ello?” He answers on the fifth ring.

“Hey, um so tonight is going to be the night.”

“Woah, so soon?”

“Yeah, the bet ends the first week after October. So it’s got to be tonight. Halloween is next week.” 

"When are you going to tell her?”

“After Halloween.”

“Are you sure you’ll be able to do it?”

“Yes, I got her falling for me.”

“Are you falling for her mate?” Am I falling for her? No. Of course not.

“No.” The words leave my mouth and I desperately want them to be pulled back in.

“Good, remember to record it. I need proof. Good luck.”


“Tell me how it goes.” I can see his smirk.

“Alright, see yeah.” I hung up and set the phone on the counter. Ugh, I can’t believe I’m doing this. I run my hand through my hair and sigh. I’m such a fuck. I hear the shower turn off and a door opening and closing. Time for my shower I guess. I trudge to my bathroom and I wipe the fog from off the mirror and I look at my reflection. I don’t look like me. I don’t look happy. I should be. I have Jade. No, no you don’t Niall, my inner self tells me. I clench my fists and it takes everything inside me not to punch the mirror, instead I strip out of my clothes and jump in the shower. 

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