Chapter 31

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I don’t hesitate at all to kiss him back.

“Jade, I want you. I want you so bad.” He kisses my neck, and sucks.

A moan escapes my lips and he smiles into the surface of my skin. The elevator dings, alarming us that we have arrived on our floor and he grabs my hand and we both speed walk to our room.

“Key, key.” He shakes his hand in front of me. I drop the key into his hand and he inserts the key into the door lock and chimes.

He picks me up and carries me into the room. I can’t help but giggle.

“Fuck, I want you.” His voice is husky, and it makes me even more turned on. He sets me down, right next to the bed.

“Wait, hold on. I need to use the bathroom.” I laugh. He smiles and steps aside. And I escape to the bathroom.


Jade shuts the door to the bathroom, and I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding.

Okay, it’s now or never Niall.

I take my phone out of pocket and I set it down on the dresser above the television and I put the coffee maker and mugs next to it so it hides a little bit, but making sure the bed is still in view.

God, I feel sick. I walk over to the bed and I set my wallet and keys down on the side table, and finally Jade emerges from the bathroom.

“Where were we?” She smiles, tackling me on the bed.

Our lips attack each other into a heavy battle and I flip us over so I’m on top. I’m always on top. She fists my shirt over my head and I help her to remove of her shirt as well.

I unclasp her bra and I gently caress her chest. She moans against my touch and I tug her pants down and she unclasps my belt.

My hand travels down her body and I rid of her underwear. “Do you have a rubber?”

“Yes, let me get it.” I smirk, I reach over to my wallet and I pull out a condom. I sit up onto my knees and I pull down my boxers.

Jade’s eyes go wide and I can’t help but smirk again.

“Care to help me love?” She nods here head, and reaches her hand and pulls the condom over my shaft.

“Are you ready?” I breathe, kissing her.

“Yes.” She smiles, lying down, me climbing on top of her.

“If it hurts tell me.” “Okay.” I kiss her, and I begin to lower myself into her.

*** We both fall onto the mattress, breathing heavy. Wow, that was the best I ever had.

“Good.. Um job?” I laugh.

“Thanks. You too.” She chokes out. She rolls onto her side, back facing me and she wraps the sheet around her.

“Goodnight love.” I lean over and kiss her forehead. “Niall?”

“Yeah babe?”

“Um.. I love you.” She whispers. Wait what?

“You love me?”

“Yes, I love you.” She says. Oh my god. She actually loves me.

She loves me? I freak out on the inside. I can’t believe she said she loves me. I hear faint snores come from her, and I realize she fell asleep.

I quietly get out of bed and go to my phone.

I click send.


My eyes flutter open and I adjust them to light seeping from the curtains covering the windows.

Last nights events flood through my mind and I begin to blush. I can’t believe that happened.

I can’t believe I told Niall that I loved him. That’s fucking crazy. I’m fucking crazy. And he didn’t say it back.

Did I say it to soon? Does he think I’m crazy? Are things moving too fast?

I groan and slump down into the covers.

I look over at Niall and his chest is rising up and down and his lips are parted and soft snores escape them.

I sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed and I pick up all my clothes that were thrown to the ground.

I make my ways towards the bathroom and I turn on the shower I throw my clothes onto the counter and slip into the running water.

I dampen my hair and body before I squeeze some hotel shampoo into my hair and massage it in my scalp. I turn my back and I rinse it out of my hair. I then begin to lather my body up with some body wash and I quickly rid of it.

I turn around to turn off the shower but I’m stopped by two strong arms wrapping around my torso.

“Morning babe.” His raspy voice whispers in my ear, sending lingering kisses along my neck.

“I woke up and you weren’t there.” He frowns into my skin.

All I could think about is why he didn’t he say I love you back? Does that mean he doesn’t love me?

Or maybe he was in shock, or he didn’t know what to say, or he thinks I’m crazy psychotic bitch. Ugh, not knowing is killing me.

“So I was thinking maybe tomorrow we would go costume shopping for Halloween?”

“Um, sure. What are we going to be?” I ask, he turns me around so I’m facing him. He hungrily looks me up and down before answering,

“Something sexy. I was thinking Sandy and Danny from Grease. You know what I’m talking about right?”

“Wow, I would have never have thought of that. I love that movie!” Niall’s costume idea was genius.

“I know, so shall we just do that?”

“Yeah, it sounds fun and original.”

“Good, I figure we could get our clothing at like Goodwill or Macy’s.” “Let’s go to the mall tomorrow and see.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

*** A few hours later it was time to check out of the hotel, I checked us out while Niall got the car and brought it up front.

After making a few stops we were on the road going home.


Hey my lovelys,

I want to thank you all for reading my story, and i know i say this like every update but it means the world to me that people actually read my story. I hope you like this chapter and writin this chater made me want to choke niall. but i love him and he's such a doll and he's my hero :)

Next Update will be Sunday Night! (This sunday fyi)

I love you ! Vote, Comment and Read!

xoxo Halley xoxo

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