Chapter 33

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The red flash glowing on my clock reads 9:10 PM.

I groan realizing I only took a nap. The fight between Addison and I was 4 hours ago. It seemed like it happened several minutes ago. I don’t see what her problem is. I did nothing to her.

And who is he? Niall? Harry? Ugh, I’m just so tired of all this bullshit.

I grab my phone to text Harry.

To: Harry

Hey are you at the club?

I wait patiently for a reply.

From: Harry

Yeah babe, I just got here. Are you coming? Xx

He replies moments later.

To: Harry

Yeah, I’m on my way.

I change out of my lazy clothes and into one of my favorite dresses of all time. The top is strapless and it has a sparkly sliver sequence top and the bottom half of it is black and silky.

It goes down to my mid-thigh and it’s just a adorable. I exchange my fuzzy socks for some black high heels.

My hair comes out of my ponytail and down my back, naturally wavy.

For my makeup I wing my eyeliner out and looks good if I do say so myself and I hurriedly  comb through my lashes with mascara making them darker and longer. My lap are coated with chap stick and light pink lip gloss. Right as I grab my bag and keys from off my desk and my phone vibrates from on my bed.

From: Harry

Jade where are you? You got to come down here.

To: Harry

I’m on my way. What’s going on?

From: Harry

It’s Niall.

My heart stops and my palms are getting sweaty, I don’t waste any time getting into my car and driving off to the club, maybe even go faster than the speed limits states, fuck you speed limit. I make it to the club in under 10 minutes and Harry is waiting outside beside the bouncer.

I run up to him. And his eyes goes wide as soon as he sees me.

His eyes rake up and down my body before he speaks, “Jade, there you are.” “Yeah here I am, now what’s wrong?”

“You aren’t going to like it.”

“Why? What is he doing?” He takes my hand and leads me inside.

“I’ll show you.”

The music is loud and the dance floor is covered with sweaty bodies grinding on each other. My eyes scan the crowd trying to find the dumbass blonde that I’m in love with. “He’s not out there.” Harry answers even though I didn’t ask.

“Then where is he?”

“Back there.” He points with his head. I follow his gesture and my breath gets caught in my throat.

I pray my eyes are playing tricks on me. I squeeze them shut and reopen them. But it’s exactly the same as before.

Niall has his arms around two girls. Alex and Monica. Of course never saw that one coming. They are all dancing and both girls have drinks in their hands. The two of them grinding their skanky asses on Niall.

Niall isn’t doing shit to stop them. His head rolls back and I can hear his throaty laugh from here. My body turns to move but Harry stops me. I look up at him and my eyes betray me as a tear escapes. He takes his thumb and captures the droplet.

“Jade, I’m sorry.” “Why?” I breathe, choking on the air.

He pulls me into his chest and traces circles on my back with his hand. “It’s going to be okay I promise you. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” He soothes me.

My body relaxes a bit but my emotions are all over the place. “Do you want to dance? I mean two can play his game.” He smiles a bit.

“Why not.” I take his hand leading him to the floor directly in Niall’s view. Harry takes my hands and hooks them around his neck and he places his hands on my waist. He pulls me close and in a way we are slow dancing which is strange since the music is loud and upbeat.

His hand dig into my sides and I giggle into his ear. “Louder.” He whispers. I’m confused but I laugh louder. “

He’s looking.” Harry breathes. “What?” 

“He’s looking at us.” I smile into his neck and I let go of him. The confusion is clear on Harry’s face but I take his hand and begin to dance like everyone else is in this place. He turns me around and pushes my body up against his front. “You look amazing.” His hot breath breathes on my neck. 

“Thank you Niall.” My words come out before I can stop them. “Niall?” He laughs.

“Fuck, I’m so sorry.” I apologize embarrassment clear in my voice.

 “Speaking of Niall, here he comes.” I groan but I don’t stop dancing with Harry.

Harry pulls me close and whisper faintly, “Laugh.” I oblige and laugh loud, hopefully it sounds convincing. “Excuse me.” I hear his raspy voice speak from in front of us. We both look up to meet Niall’s frown upon his face and his eyes featuring anger.


Shit is about to go down :) I'm so exiced for the next part yay!!

I'm sorry for barely udating lately but last friday i went to my school dance, and i saw my ex boyfriend and he was dancing with my ex  friend,(They are dating, and they post of much of shit of them on IG, and she has the nerve to talk about him infrotn of me.) And they were slowdancing and i couldnt stop looking at them. and i jus couldnt watch anymore and i jus ran outside and just cried. my luckily i have two major iportant people in my life and they came outside and helped me through it and of course theres alwasy that one bitch that's like she faking it she only want attention and everyone looked at me wierd for the rest of the night. And I LITERALY HATE EVERYONE AT MY SCHOOL except for like 5 people. So anyways i didnt feel like writing but i promised i would update this weekend so there it is! I'll be updating tomorrow or Tuesday! I aplogize for such a short chapter dont hate me :( I Love You All!

xoxo Halley xoxo

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