Chapter 42

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Nialls POV

After I called Jade, I got under my covers and I starred up at the ceiling. I haven’t been able to sleep at all this past week. I miss her so fucking much and I’m so fucking in love with her. She needs to know, that all this time it’s been her, no one else.

My eyes start to get glossy as they roam around my room. Hanging on the wall is the countless number of photos of Jade. The ones I sneakily took of her, the ones of us together and the ones she took of herself. That sounds fucking creepy, having photos of my girlfriend all over my room. Fuck I mean my ex-girlfriend. It’s funny we barely dated for a long time but yet I’m so drawn to her. I just can’t believe she’s gone.

I need her. To live, to breathe, to sleep, I need her next to me. I need to hold her in my arms. My eyes close, trying to get some rest. Within minutes I fall asleep with a beautiful brunette on my mind.

*** DREAM***

“Babe, wake up!” A voice says from a far. I squint my eyes slightly, the vast light blazing in my vision. After a few moments of adjusting to the new light, I opne my eyes to see Jade. She’s sitting at the foot of my bed. Legs crossed and dressed only in a large shirt.

My heart skips a beat when i see it’s my shirt that clutches her small frail body.

“Good morning Handsome.” She smiles her gorgeous white smile, that I have missed so much. I never made hersmile enough. She crawls her way up to my stomach, leaving small delicate kisses up my torso and to my neck.

“I’ve missed you.” She whispers before concealing our lips together. Our mouths move insync with each other. It’s filled with passion and iginites sparks. It almost seems real.  Almost. She pulls away from me too quickly. It leaves me in a state of emptiness.  I look up to have her glaring down at me.

“Jade?” I question as her skin gets paler and eyes turn black.

“You did this to me.” She wails. Dark red liquid gushes out of her arms and neck. She starts to cry but it’s not tears that she sheds, its blood. “You did this!”  She bellows, launching herself at me.


I jolt up in my bed, waking up from that terrible dream. Beads of sweat are escaping from my forehead and chest. It’s hot, the room is on fire, well it feels like it is.

I push the duvet off of my body and itrun sideways to lay on my side, my face directly facing the wall.

The fucking bright light is flashing in my damn eyes, the clock reading, 6:27. I groan realizing I only slept for a couple of hours. I roll over to my other side, clutching a pillow close to my body.Hoping that it will turn into Jade.

The girl I’m in love with. I need to tell her. Maybe I can win her back. I haven’t seen her for a couple of weeks. And I miss her so fucking much.

Literally I’m a goddamn wreck without her. I miss the way she would rub small circles on my knuckles when our hands were entertwined. I miss the way our noses brushed against each other before our lips attached together. I miss her kisses, her voice, her touch, her laugh, her smile; the damn list goes on and on.

But the one thing that makes me insane is her gorgeous green eyes. Her eyes are green with brown specks here and there. I haven’t spent enough time with her, I barely know her to be honest that’s why it’s so fucking hard to believe I love her.

Love, that word is so foreign to me. I never thought in a billion years that Jade and I would be one. Well not anymore. I need to get her back, I need to win her back. I’ll do anything to get her to be mine again.

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