~ P-R-O-L-O-G-U-E ~

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"Momma, I wanna play hockey!"

The small boy tugged at his mother's sleeve as his wide, brown eyes watched the local high school team down on the ice.

She smiled down at her son as he began jumping up and down when their Glenbrook High School Titans hit the winning goal.

The buzzer echoed around the stadium and the Glenbrook fans let out yells and cheers. The small boy let out a small yelp of happiness when the players began to file through the door to head to the locker rooms.

The team captain was the last to come through, stopping by the wide-eyed seven year old boy. He knelt down with a smirk on his face. He handed his hockey stick to the boy with a knowing look in his eyes.

"I won't need these anymore little buddy," he chuckled softly. He slid the helmet off his head and his longer brown hair fell to his shoulders. The helmet easily fell onto the small boy's head. Even though it stank of sweat, the small boy couldn't believe what was happening. The Senior star hockey player patted the boys shoulder a few times before standing and skillfully walking on his skates into the back rooms.

"I'm gonna be the best hockey player ever!"He jumped up and down once more, excitement bubbling in his small body.

* ~ *~ * - * ~* ~ *

"...Logan Clifford, Joshua Dun, Robert Harris, Tyler Joseph and Brendon Urie."

As each name was called, the Freshman boy jumped from the bleachers and down onto the court of the gym. One of the boys whom had lined up met his best friend's gaze, who was still sitting. The sitting boy had tears beginning to fill his whiskey brown eyes when he realized his name wasn't called.

He didn't make the hockey team.

A pang hit the boy on the court and he walked up to the coach with a shine in his eyes. "Are you sure that was everybody on the list?"

"Hm? Uh," the coach scanned down the list one more time. "Yeah," he mumbled as he flipped the page and glanced at the back. "Oh! Pete Wentz! Please come on down!"

The whiskey-eyed boy jumped up and bounded down the bleachers. He grabbed the other boy's hand and went to the end of the line.

"Please clap for your Junior Hockey Team!"

The two boys held their hands above their heads. The boy with a larger forehead felt his other hand be grabbed and looked over to see a grinning Tyler. The whole team had mirrored the two single's actions with smiling faces as they looked upon their cheering schoolmates.

"Hey Brendon?" The whiskey-eyed kid leaned over to speak in his best friend's ear.

"Yeah Pete?" Brendon turned his head, a smile still playing on his lips.

"I'm going to be the best hockey player ever."

* ~ *~ * - * ~* ~ *

Hit the puck hit the puck oh shit I have the puck okayokay guard the puck other goal, rightleftrightleft

Pete's head swirled with many thoughts as he smacked the puck into the goal.

The crowd erupted into cheers. Pete stood up straight in confusion. Brendon tackled him in a hug with a laughing smile.

"Pete! You did it! You just won us the Junior Finals!"

"What?" The whiskey-eyed boy looked at the scoreboard. The timer said 00:00, the scores? Home: 6 Away: 5

"Oh. Wait. I did that?" Pete looked up as the Junior Varsity coach and the Varsity coach came out onto the ice.

"You sir, are the best hockey player I have ever had."

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