~ N-I-N-E-T-E-E-N ~ {II}

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~ Saturday; 26th of December 2020 ~

~P-E-T-E ~

I leaned against the desk in the hotel room, sipping the piping hot coffee from a cheap Styrofoam cup slowly. Ryan had been invited to a day hanging out with Melanie and Halsey, while Brendon was in the shower. The only reason I was at the hotel was because I felt bad for not being more appreciative towards what everyone has done for me, and if that doesn't make sense then congrats to you because I'm not sure either. And also the point where Patrick had to check in some of his physical paper work to the main office of his home school classes, so Nick took him for the morning.

The bathroom door clicked and then flung open, Brendon stepping out in sweat pants and a tank top, his hair a wet mess upon his head. He stopped and put his hands on his hips, flipping his hair with a snap of his head, looking at me. I looked back at him over the rim of my coffee cup, the hot liquid slowly burning my lip.

"So what was it like?" He tilted his head, eyes wide with curiosity.

"Hm?" I lowered the cup briefly, arching an eyebrow. "What was what like?"

He didn't answer me immediately, instead flopping down onto his and Ryan's shared bed. He propped his head up on an arm and pursed his full lips. "Seeing him, you know, after so long and everything that has happened." His eyes flickered with all curiosity and wonder. "What was it like?"

I blinked and looked down at the dark liquid in my cup. I could just barely make out my reflection staring back at me. Reflections are weird. Not quite another world, but possibly an entire universe.

"It was... I'm not sure how to put this into words, but almost... miraculous. Otherworldly, if I may say," I looked up at him, now having his arms folded and head resting on them, watching me with warm brown eyes. "Like, that one time that Ryan went on that two month trip with his parents to Vegas to visit family, and that rush of emotions you felt when we met them at the airport when they returned, but thousands of times stronger. You knew you'd see Ry again, but I didn't think I'd see Patrick so soon."

"Your world came back together," he said in sync with me as I spoke; "my world came back together."

We both smiled and I looked back down before chugging down the last few swallows of the dark coffee.

"You know we only have three days left here, right?" Brendon rolled onto his back, spreading his limbs across the white comforter.

I took my time with a reply. I knew we wouldn't be staying in Europe for long, we had to get back to Chicago, mainly for hockey reasons. Although, I wasn't expecting a long stay, I wasn't ready for it to be over in a matter of days. But maybe this time won't be so hard?

I stood up straight and tossed my empty cup into the little trash bin nearby. I turned my head and looked at Brendon, but a knock came at the door before any words left my mouth.

"Visitors?" Brendon sat up, his hair falling every which way. "Was not expecting visitors."

I shrugged and made my way to the door, cautiously unlocking the deadbolt and pulling it open. On the other side stood both Patrick and Nick, chattering quietly.

"Well that was fast," I said, pausing their whispers. Patrick looked up with a tired smile and a nod.

"They didn't have any new work for me, I'm finishing everything too quickly for them to keep up with new content," he almost said with brag in his voice, although his eyes were shining brightly.

I stepped back and opened the door wider, inviting them in. Nick awkwardly shuffled in with his head bowed, while Patrick took two steps forward and fell into me. I chuckled softly and wrapped my arms around him as he nestled his face in the crook of my neck.

Three days. That's all we had left.

"Let's go to the rink," Patrick tilted his head so he could whisper in my ear.

I rubbed his waistline with my thumbs absent-mindedly. "Alright, sounds good."

"Great!" He pressed a chaste kiss to my cheek before he pulled back to look me in the eyes. "I have this couple move I would like to attempt. I actually worked on my arm strength for this," his eyes were sparkling even more, causing me to smile. "I just have one problem, and it's because last night." His face flushed. "I've taken some pain killers but I don't know how long they last."

"Oh, baby, I'm sorry," I raised one of my hands and pushed a few stray pieces of hair back into place. "Let's get going as they last, yeah?" He nodded and I pulled away, hurrying the few steps to my bedside and picking up my skates. "Yo B, Nick," I looked over at the two taller guys. "Wanna come along?"

"Don't gotta ask me twice!" Brendon dashed back into the bathroom, only to come out in the matter of minutes in skinny jeans. He shrugged on his letterman jacket and tied up his shoes, grabbing his own skates.


Patrick stood in front of me with his hands on my biceps. He would tighten his grip now and then, and then proceed to place his fingers somewhere else on my arms. I raised an eyebrow and continued to watch him with curiosity.

"I think we'll be fine," his voice was definite and certain. "I already know you have the leg and core strength, I just wanted to be sure you could have the arm strength for my balance."

"What?" I was even more confused now. He waved me off and took a quick scan of the other skaters on the rink. Brendon was helping a small girl close to the entry gate who kept falling over, while Aaron- whom came along when we stopped by the flat to retrieve Patrick's skates- and Nick were taking laps around the half of the rink Patrick and I were on. There were a few other people here and there: a man practicing jumps, a group of teenagers helping one another out, two older women leaning against the wall as they also watched other people.

"Stand here, and don't move," Patrick let go of me completely. "I'm going to come at you, but wrap your hands around my upper arms and help me flip upwards, yes?" I still had no idea what he was talking about, even though his instructions were a bit clear. I liked this demanding side of him, but I do wish he would understand that I'm not a mind reader. "Please?"

"Alright, I got it- you, I got yo- I'll catch you," I nodded. He looked unsure with a twitch of his lips downward, but nodded in return before pushing off backwards.

I braced my feet and bent my knees, holding my arms at an appropriate distance and height to grab his own. We locked eyes and it was like everything slowed down.

He came forwards with his thighs being the core of his movement, leaving his lower legs light. He reached out to take hold of my arms and proceeded to launch his lower body upwards so that he was basically doing a handstand on my shoulders as I held him stable. He pointed his toes towards the ceiling and locked his joints, letting out a shaky breath and smiling down at me.

The rink had gone quiet now, the sounds being little gasps and soft whispers. Patrick strained his neck and I picked up my chin to connect our brief kiss. I could feel his arms just beginning to tremble with exhaustion, and began to lower my own. He gave a quick nod and pulled his legs down, only to swing and wrap them around my waist, his arms now loosely around my neck and a crazed smile spreading over his pink lips.

"That was amazing," I kept my voice on the softer side since he was so close.

"First time doing it with anyone else. Nick is too tall, Aaron too weak, Melanie too short, and Halsey just flat out didn't trust herself." He put his legs down so his blades were on the ice, but stayed pressed up against me. "I'm surprised I even made it up that high."

"Hey, just believe in yourself, and you can do anything that pretty little head of yours wants to," I smile and rest my forehead on his.

"Anything?" He whispers and closes his eyes. I nod a little, only to have him pull back quickly and stare me dead in the eyes. His blue orbs were glowing with hope, and it was that moment I knew what he wanted, and my own chest began to tighten with the impossible thought. "I want to go back to Chicago."

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