~ F-I-V-E ~

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~Monday; 11th of November 2019~

~ P-E-T-E ~

"I met your boyfriend yesterday," Brendon poked my shoulder. I raised an eyebrow and stopped walking towards the cafeteria.

"I have a boyfriend?" I gasped. "When did that happen?"

Brendon rolled his eyes but smirked. "Blue-eyes."

"Oh," was all I could say. I didn't even deny the feelings I had towards the other kid, even though I don't know much about him. He just had that... spark.

"Fuck!" Brendon suddenly yelped and stumbled forward. I glanced behind him as we began walking, seeing another boy on his back. Ryan wrapped his legs around Brendon's waist and arms around his shoulders.

"Hello peasant," Ryan smiled down at me. I grinned and stuck out my tongue, holding open the cafeteria door for them.

I followed the two to our normal corner table, throwing my bag onto the floor and taking a seat next to Josh.

"You not eating?" He asked as we high fived in greeting. I shook my head, glancing at his lunch tray. It looked like something along the lines of tacos.

"Oh hey! You! Captain hockey player sir!"

I turned around as some Sophomore kid ran up. He was on the shorter side- though I can't say much- with tanner skin and dark hair. "That's me?" I stand up.

"Yeah, Pete Wentz. Okay." He paused as if he forgot what he was going to say. "Oh yeah, I just wanted to let you know somethings I heard in the hallway. Two or three guys were talking smack about you and Mrs. Burch? I think that was her name. Two of 'em were saying pretty nasty things. Both bad and bad."

"Who were these guys?" I asked, although I was pretty sure I already knew who.

"Uuhhh..." he looked quickly around the cafeteria before pointing at a table a few over from mine. "The two in red hoodies were the two talking. The guy in the gray jacket was with them, but he seemed kinda uncomfortable."

As I had thought, it was Logan and Robert with a tailing Jack. "Thanks kid," I gave him a pat on the shoulder and walked over to the other table. I sat down and threw my arm around Jack, smiling. He on the other hand looked as if he wanted to melt through the floor.

"Hey Pete!" Logan grinned. Robert chucked and the girls along the other side of the table looked at one another. The guy sitting across from Jack looked away.

"Heya Jack, take your friend and go over to the corner table with Josh and Bren, yeah?" The two looked at me oddly before standing and quickly leaving. I looked at both Logan and Robert, a grin still playing on my lips.

"Aw, what was that about?" Robert pouted.

"Ah, nothing. So. You guys excited and ready for the game next Saturday?" I rubbed my hands together. Both of the guys looked at one another again before nodding.

"Oh man I am so pumped! This is one of the smaller ones, but I'm so ready!" Logan grinned wider. Robert nodded.

I suddenly slammed my hands on the table, causing a few people to jump. "That's too bad, because you're not playing."

The table and a few around us went quiet. Logan stood up, looking down at me. "What did you say?"

I also stood, though he was a whole foot taller than me. "You two, are not playing the game next Saturday."

"What the hell man?!" Robert jumped up, silencing the rest of the cafeteria. "You can't just say we can't play!"

"Actually, I can. Check with coach. As for why? Start showing some respect to your teachers and peers and I'll consider it!" I snapped. Robert flinched back a little. Logan glared down at me before throwing his lunch tray across the cafeteria, storming out the doors and shoving away whoever he could. I glanced at Robert, but he quickly followed.

I made my way back over to my original table as the cafeteria resumed it's play. I sat back down next to Josh, Jack and Alex across from us. I smiled at the two, nodding my head in approval.

"Hey uh, Pete," Jack began almost nervously.

"What's up?" I kept a perky attitude to hopefully relieve his tension. It worked to an extent.

"Thank you for, well, not kicking me off the team," I dipped my head. "But uh, you do remember we have to have at least four Defensemen, right?"

"Shit," I growled.

"Well that's what I was getting to. Alex moved here last week," he put his hand on the other guy's shoulder. "He was apart of Northern, one of their best Defensemen. So maybe, he could... like..."

"Join us?" I looked between them. They both nodded. "Sure. We can go to the rink Wednesday afternoon, do a few things so I can at least see what play will fit you best. Get your uniform, yeah. Your timing couldn't be better."

"Thank you Pete," Alex smiled. I dipped my head once more.

Maybe Patrick will be there. I remember him mentioning that he only went to the rink during school hours on weekdays so he didn't have to deal with many other people, especially crude youth. But just maybe he stays longer.

I should've gotten his number. I could ask Mrs. Burch? Nono Pete that's insane. She's your teacher and Patrick is her nephew.

Don't get too caught up with him Pete, you have school work and hockey to occupy your life.


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