~ O-N-E ~ {II}

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~ Sunday; 22nd of December 2019~

~ P-A-T-R-I-C-K ~

I never was fond of planes. Never have been, never will be.

I shuddered at the brief memory of just a short half hour ago. Flying is one thing, but flying thousands and thousands of feet in the air going hundreds of miles per hour over a vast ocean next to some stranger who keeps giving you doll eyes makes things very uncomfortable.

I was currently at the bottom level of the Manchester air port with my suitcase and two bags waiting for someone to pick me up. In all honesty, I had no idea who. I was too scared to call Father Elton, I didn't have any of my friend's numbers because of my new and previous U.S. number, and overall, I didn't have a phone. But there is one person I can always count on that just seems to know the problems I get into.


I look up and drop my bags. I feel a smile light up my face and I opened my arms as my best friend ran into them. He squeezed his arms around me tightly and twirled in a circle a few times before putting me down. He was grinning widely, his gentle blue eyes sparkling.

"Aaron! Already out in the sun I see," I noted, reaching up and running my fingers through a few strands of his messy blonde hair. He crinkled up his nose and backed off, looking over his shoulder.

"I'm not sure I missed him as much as I thought I did," he sneered. I just laughed and stepped to the side, seeing another familiar face.

"Nick!" I stepped around Aaron more and embraced my old friend.

"Hey Trickster," he chuckled and took of my fedora. I reached up for it, but he was good height taller than me. I stuck out my bottom lip which only caused him to laugh more.

"Oh come on Nicholas, give the kid his hat back!" Aaron said but was laughing anyways. Nick smirked and dropped the fedora back down onto my head. "Oh yeah! Patrick!" I turned to my better friend. "I have your old phone in my car, like I promised." He smiled, proud of himself for not loosing something important for once.

"Thanks Aaron," I returned the smile.

"Anyways," he placed his hands on his hips. "Do you have any idea on where you're going or how we even knew you'd be here today at this time?"

I paused and raised an eyebrow. "Thinking about it, no. I do not. So I'll just go with the fact that you two are potential stalkers and you're going to shove me into Aaron's car, take me somewhere far away and then kill me." Aaron and Nick looked at one another with wide eyes.

"Damn, how'd you know?" Nick deadpanned. I just giggled lightly and walked back over to my abandoned bags.

"Here, let me help you with that," Aaron hurried over and took one of my shoulder bags. I dipped my head with thanks and the two led me out into the early morning.

I blinked my eyes sleepily as my exhaustion began to catch on. The eight hour flight, the time change, the creepy girl keeping my from getting any sleep. I did the math, right now it's about four thirty in the morning in Chicago, but it's nine thirty here.

"So where am I..." I cut myself off with a yawn. "Even going?" I asked while Aaron popped the trunk of his car.

"Well, I spoke to Father Elton, you could stay with him, or you could stay with me. I have a spare room in my flat." Aaron took my bags from me and settled them in the back.

"I guess I'll just stay with you for now," I pressed my palms into my eyes, trying to stay more awake and less dead on my feet. "If that's alright."

"Of course!" I heard Aaron toss his keys to Nick, who jumped into the driver's seat. "Here," my closer friend helped me into the back of his car before jumping into the front passenger seat.

I buckled my seat belt and leaned my head against the car wall to stare out the window. I don't remember the distance from the air port to the side of the neighborhood Aaron resided in. I don't remember the car stopping and being shut off with doors opening. I don't even remember how I ended up in this bed. But I'm not going to complain.

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