~ T-H-I-R-T-E-E-N ~ {II}

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~ Thursday; 27th of August 2020 ~

~ P-E-T-E ~

I walked the halls of Southern Glenbrook High with my head bowed and an emotionless mask upon my face. I would barely nod my head to those who dropped a greeting as I walked past, or completely ignore the cheesy ass giggling girls. My best friend Brendon was close by my side, his head held up but no smile lighting his own face.

He and I had already compared schedules. Out of the eight class periods of the day; including lunch, we had six classes together. The two we didn't share were basically flipped; being second and third periods- Social Studies and English. We were currently on our way to our 'new' lockers, now officially in the Senior Hall. The Senior Hall was a great one; choosing lockers and decorating them however the fuck you wanted. Well, as long as it was "Minor appropriate".

We also stuck with the age old tradition of having the hockey team line up their lockers in a line in order of rank. So naturally, I was the first, then Brendon and Ryan being co-captain and right wings, then Tyler being a center, Andy being a left wing, and so on. The team had agreed to come in this coming weekend to paint over the ugly navy blue into some kind of mural. I'll admit, I was pretty excited, even if I didn't seem like it.

"Hi guys!" Ryan bounced on the balls of his feet, grinning madly as he stood by the lockers.

"Morning," I reply, forcing a smile.

"Good morning, babe," Brendon stepped forward and kissed Ryan on the cheek. "Why so energetic?"

"I'll tell ya later!" He seized his movements but the smile stayed up.

"Yo Ry, who do you have first?" I switch topic. His smile immediately turned into a frown.

"I'm stuck with Kelton. I ended up only having three classes with the both of you, and that's counting lunch period." He stuck out his bottom lip in a pout.

"Which classes?" I leaned on the lockers.

"Gym, Lunch, and Physics."

"Aw, at least they're the more fun classes," Brendon insisted.

"I guess, but that's gonna make everything else super boring!" He threw his arms in the air, being the partial over dramatic diva he was.

"Did you at least sign up for the BETA Club on time this year?" I raised an eyebrow.

Ryan stood there frozen for a moment, a grin very slowly forming on his face. "No!" He squeaked and dashed off, dodging other students and unfamiliar Freshman.

"Oh uh, Brendon!" I shoved my hand into my back right pocket, digging around briefly before pulling out my black leather waller. Brendon tilted his head and raised an eyebrow, eyes widening. I pulled out a few twenties and held them in his direction.

"What the fuck is this for?" He shook his head, pushing my arm back towards myself.

"The hockey stuff?" I questioned. He paused. "I figured I'd butt in my own share. It's for the team."

"Oh. Well," he hesitantly took it from me, unfolding the green American bills and counting the amount. "Holy shit. A solid hundred hundred? Are you insane?!"

"Maybe a little," I laughed and shook my head, putting my wallet back into my pocket. "I had a stash that I'd slip a few bucks into here and there and it added up. You know I'm not one into buying stuff, and the entire thing seemed pretty important to you and Ry. I mean, keeping it a secret from me against the entire school? That's huge."

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