~ F-I-F-T-E-E-N ~ {II}

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"You remember what you're supposed to do?"


"Good. How about you two?"

"Already have the fridge stocked."

"Awesome. And you?"

"I'm with you?"

"Oh yeah."

~ Wednesday; 23rd of December 2020 ~

~ P-E-T-E ~

"You should come over to Josh's tonight," Tyler offered as I lean against the wall watching Josh and Mikey fight over the puck. He suddenly looked over at me. "Well, that is, if you don't have any plans since it's Christmas Eve Eve?"

"Ty, my mom is a business worker, Patrick is across the Atlantic ocean, my father is never home, my only plan would be to lay in bed or go walking because the rink is closed," I slightly snapped. It wasn't like a mean snap, more of a "did you really just ask that" kind of snap.

"Yo I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was thinking more that you'd may have plans to hang with someone else?" Tyler was smirking, looking back out at the other two.

"Well. Brendon and Ryan already have plans, Gerard and Frank couldn't make it in, Jack and Alex are heading back to Baltimore for the rest of the week, so that leaves you three, and maybe Steven, but that kid is something else," I cross my arms over my chest.

"What about the girls?" He suggested.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I dunno, I'm not close with any of them, really. Maybe Hayley but she's pretty sociable and probably has plans."

"True. You want Mikey over too?" Tyler pushed himself off the wall.

"Ah sure, if its cool with you guys? Just send him over to me, I was supposed to drive him home anyways." I stood straight again, angling my feet so I wouldn't slip or slide away. Tyler nodded and skated off towards the two; Josh batting at Mikey's feet with his hockey stick trying hard to get the puck from between them. Tyler called out and they both stopped and looked up. He pointed over to me and Mikey nodded, ditching the puck and skating over to me.

"What's up?" He stopped a few feet in front of me.

"You have any plans tonight?" I motioned with my head towards the gate and we set off side by side.

"Uh," he shook his head. "No. 'Cause the two knucklebrains aren't coming in. Why you ask?"

We stepped out and onto the solid stone floor, taking off our skates.

"Tyler and I are going over to Josh's later and I'd say we all get along, so we wanted to see if you'd like to come chill too?" I glanced up, pulling my feet out of my now untied grey sports skates.

"Really?!" His eyes lit up and he sounded pretty excited. He blinked and nodded, dropping his wide smile. "I mean, yeah, sure, sounds cool."

I laughed lightly, quickly tying my shoes and picking my equipment up once more. I waited for Mikey to get his stuff together and we walked out of the rink and into the cold winter air. He shivered a little and hurried towards my car, but I kept my pace. I enjoyed the cold winters, even though I much prefer the hot summers. The winter just reminded me of Patrick; the ice skates and the snow angels and that messed up snowman we build in Brendon's yard.

"Hurry up!" Mikey bounced on the balls of his feet, whining a little. It wasn't like I could press a button and unlock all the doors or pop the trunk, my car being such an early version.

"Make me!" I stuck my tongue out, but jogged the remaining few steps. I unlocked the doors and we tossed our stuff in the back, both jumping up front. I started the engine and Mikey turned up the heat, hugging his arms to his chest and lightly shivering. I stared at him and shook my head. "You gotta get some meat on those bones of yours."

He shrugged and pulled on the seat belt. I rolled my eyes playfully and smirked, pulling on my own and throwing the car into reverse, leaving the rink and heading towards Josh's place.

~ T-Y-L-E-R ~

Josh came running into the living room, tossing two energy drinks at both Pete and Mikey on the couch, bringing himself and me one to where we shared the arm chair. It was currently two in the morning, and we had two, maybe three hours to go of attempting to keep Pete awake, so that he'd sleep most of tomorrow, and sleep deeply tomorrow night. I, on the other hand, was exhausted. But I wasn't going to let that show. Although, what came next was a bit unexpected.

"What do you guys think the answer to... to all of this is?" Pete popped open his drink, just to stare at the odd coloured liquid in the can.

"42." Mikey sipped his own, and then placed it on the side table before halfway laying down.

"Ugh, you freaking nerd," Pete grinned for a moment. Josh let out a noise somewhere between a giggle and a snort, which made the other three of us stare at him and then proceed to burst into laughter in our tired and energized states.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket, vibrating Josh's thigh. I held myself up at am awkward angle until I could fish out my phone. I sat back down and unlocked my phone, taking a long sip of the drink in my hand.

Brendon~ things going good?

I nodded, and then realized I had to type a message because he couldn't see me.

Me~ yesh, how bout over yonder?

I looked up seeing Josh and Pete in deep conversation, Mikey watching SpongeBob on the television and looking half asleep.

Brendon~ everything is ready, just waiting for the plane to crash
Brendon~ wait bad metaphor
Brendon~ you know what I mean

I let out a sharp exhale from my nose and turned off my phone, tossing it onto the coffee table in front of us and resuming my comfortable position.

"Hey guys?" Pete was talking quietly now, staring at his fiddling thumbs in his lap. Josh and I looked over, and Mikey looked up. "Thank you."

"For what?" I leaned my head on Josh's shoulder.

He let out a shaky breath and looked up, making eye contact with everyone before speaking more. "Being really great friends. I've been an absolute shit-head this past year, and you've all put up with it. I couldn't ask for better people in my life."

"Hey man, we've all been through something life changing, major or small." Mikey reached out and put a hand on his upper arm. "You and I personally haven't been friends all that long, but you really are a great guy, Pete. None of us want you to be... be..."

"Falling apart." I finished. Mikey nodded.

Pete suddenly quickly rubbed his face with his navy blue jacket sleeves, smiling and occasionally shaking a little with a small sob. Mikey sat up and opened his arms in an offering hug, which Pete took as he slowly broke down a little more.

I looked over at Josh, who looked at me.

"I think we're doing the right thing."

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