~ T-W-O ~

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~Thursday; 7th of November 2019~

~ P-A-T-R-I-C-K ~

"Aunt Jenn! I'm home!" I called through the house as I shut the front door behind me. It was just rounding three o'clock when I had jogged back home. I didn't want to get too caught up by the school traffic.

I get no reply. I walk through the house quietly, going into the kitchen first. I find a note on the counter and pick it up gently.

I went to the store to grab a few things for dinner and stop by the post office. I'll be back by five at the latest.
♥ Aunt Jenn

I sighed and crumpled the note up in my hand. I tossed it into the garbage before running upstairs and into my bedroom. I took the white ice skates from my shoulder and hung them by the string on the coat rack by my door. I shrugged off my coat and toss it to the side before trudging over to my bed. I pause and glare at all the unfinished school work covering my comforting mattress and pillows. Knocking some of the papers and books to the floor, I pull my phone and earbuds from my back pocket before laying down.

My ears fill with the music of my favorite artists; Nirvana, Green Day, David Bowie and so on. My eyes follow the dancing shadows playing on the ceiling from the tree outside my window.

I must have fallen asleep at some point, because new thing I know my room is dark and Aunt Jenn is gently shaking my shoulder. "Come on Patrick, dinner is ready." Her voice was slightly more British, giving away our family origins.

"Mmm alright I'm up I'm up," I mumbled with a slur. I pulled my earbuds from my ears and tossed them back onto the bed as I stood. I stretched before following Aunt Jenn downstairs.

We sat at the table in a comfortable silence, like most nights. Until she stopped eating her spaghetti and looked at me for a few long moments. I slowly met her gaze and paused. "What?" I swallowed what was in my mouth.

"I still have many mysteries to learn about you, Patrick. Some aren't in my place to ask. But I'm a little worried about you. So, like most nights I ask again." I held back a sigh as I realized what she was getting at. "Have you made any friends at the rink today?"

I opened my mouth to give the same old answer, "no". But then I thought back to earlier this morning. "Well," I began, resting my arm down onto the table. "I did talk with a guy earlier on. We later ended up skating together. I wouldn't call us friends, but Ryan's pretty cool." I nodded a little, letting my eyes meet hers once more.

She was softly smiling with a twinkle in her eye. That look, she wanted details. I licked my lips and sat back in my chair. Her smile widened when she saw she had won over the talk.

"It was like every other day. I sat my coat on a chair and took off my shoes to change into my skates. I was coming out onto the ice when a loud- pardon my French, 'fuck' was yelled from across the rink. This dude, Ryan, was caught on the door jam by the other gate. It ripped a really big hole in his jacket. It was expensive looking, and I've seen them around... uh..." I glanced down at the table. "The local high school, their hockey team..."

"The Glenbrook Titans? He tore his hockey jacket?" She laughed a little. I nodded as she urged me to continue.

"I went over and helped him get free. After that we talked for a bit and began doing laps and tricks together. He left about eleven, claiming to have afternoon classes he had to attend. He said he could get out one day a week, like today to practice ice skating. Although, he's very good already. Maybe he just enjoys the ice like I do," I finished thoughtfully.

"Maybe you'll see him again sometime soon then," Aunt Jenn grinned. "You should really meet the neighbors. The Uries are very kind people. They have a son about your age. I've invited them over for dinner Sunday night anyways."

"...you're gonna make me come home early from the rink then, aren't you?" I lowered my head.

"Yes Patrick. You can't stay until closing that night, alright? Go ahead and finish eating. You have Algebra to work on." Her voice became more commanding. I nodded and quickly ate the rest of the food on my plate. She took my dishes and I bounded up the stairs.

I flopped onto the bed and snatched my math books from the floor, opening to the pages I was working on the night before. Algebra II was definitely not my favorite subject, but I liked it far more than World Civilization and Science.

Aunt Jenn was a certified English teacher at Southern Glenbrook High. All my work came from the teachers and what they were teaching the kids in the classes. I am home schooled, and I'm fine with it. I never was a people person even though Aunt Jenn urged me to find friends at the rink. Kind of hard when you get too nervous and shy to speak up, hm?

"Hey, Patrick?" Aunt Jenn poked her head into my door. I looked up and her sandy hair was thrown into a messy bun, dark circles ringing her hazelnut coloured eyes. "It's past one in the morning dear, go to sleep."

"What?" I quickly look at the clock. Seven past one. I look down at the papers in hand and realized I completed some of next week's work too. "O-oh, alright. Thanks. Good night."

"Goodnight," she quietly closed my door.

I shook my head and sloppily put my papers and books away, tossing a few onto the floor next to the bed. I stood and stripped off my skinny jeans, just happening to glance out the window. The house next to us was dark as well, except for the upstairs room I could see. The window was open and the light was on, and a very hot teenage boy was sitting on the windowsill with his legs dangling off the edge. Our eyes awkwardly met and he fell backwards into the room with a yelp.

I quickly ran over and yanked my curtains closed, my face heating up a lot. Freaking pervert. Too bad I couldn't clearly see his face so I could avoid him in later run-ins.

At least it's Thursday. The rink stays open late on Fridays and Saturdays. Maybe I'll see that Ryan guy again?

(I've just started this story and you guys are already loving it what now I'm scared later parts will be disappointing (/._.)/ )

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