~ T-E-N ~

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~Saturday; 23rd of November 2019~

~ P-E-T-E ~

"Oh my god Pete why are you so nervous this is the easy game!" Brendon shook my shoulders roughly. I felt like a rag doll that was found by a puppy. He stopped shaking me, his face now showing actual concern.

"Brendon, you're my best friend so this is probably the only reason I'm telling you." He nodded for me to continue. "You brought Blue-eyes."



"Oh yeah. I forget they're the same guy." He paused. "Why are you nervous about that?"

"I have no idea!" I broke away from his grasp and sat on the bench to put on my skates. The team hustled around in the locker room changing into jerseys, checking equipment or putting on skates. Brendon walked a few strides away and grabbed some kid already suited up. He pulled up the kid's helmet and smashed their lips together. Must be Ryan.

I looked away and rested my hands on my knees. Josh dropped down beside me and nudged my shoulder with his.

"Come on Captain sir! That is no way to act before a game! Get up and let's do this!" He grinned and looked at me. I sighed and smiled, standing up.

I clapped my hands and let out a small yell. The room went quiet and all eyes landed on me. "Alright guys! Small game, large game, it doesn't matter! A hockey game is a hockey game and we will keep up our reputation!" I got a few small cheers. "We are not mermaids! We are the goddamn Glenbrook Titans!" More cheers and yells. "Who are we?!"

"Glenbrook Titans! "

"Louder god damn it!"

"Glenbrook Titans!"

I heard the announcer speaking. "And our home team, the Glenbrook Titaaaaaannns!"

I jumped up on the bench, though with Josh's help. "Remember me?!"

"For centuries! " The team roared and did our group salute, pushing out into the rink. I stepped down and followed behind, putting my mouth guard in and grabbing my helmet and stick.

As I hit the ice, I let my eyes run around the crowd. I didn't see anyone familiar. I tried not to let it bother me, but the disappointment still nagged at the back of my mind.

My thoughts went blank when I noticed the team looking at me. They needed to know who's up first, what's up second and I don't know up third.

*~ * - * ~*


The crowd began cheering as the buzzer went off, signaling the end of the game. I didn't have to look at the scoreboard to know that we won by the looks on everyone's faces. The Titans were yelling and slapping one another on the back, while the Panthers just nodded in agreement to their loss.

We lined up and high fived the opposing team before the gates opened for coaches to come onto the ice and players to go to the locker rooms. I was making my way towards Coach Armstrong who was following the team to the back rooms, when somebody lunged at me.

They wrapped their small arms tightly around me, giggles coming from the mouth against my shoulder. I grinned and slid my own arms around Patrick's middle, lifting him up in the air a little.

"No no no put me down!" He squealed, feet lightly kicking. I put him back onto the ice and pulled away a bit to look into his beautiful blue eyes. "Hiya!" He let out another giggle.

"What are you doing here?" I said with a lisp and began to slowly skate towards the more empty part of the large rink.

He tilted his head and followed. "Brendon and Ryan brought me mate, remember?"

"Yeah, I just didn't see you when we began. Thought you skipped or something." He stuck his hands out and pulled the helmet off of my head. He held it with his elbow.

"I stopped to help one of the vendors, who was having a little trouble. I came a little late, just a few minutes after the first began. Got to meet your coach though. He's pretty ace." He nodded softly. My lips pulled into a smirk as I took my helmet from him and pulled out my mouth guard.

"I'm going to go change real quick," I dip my head slightly, pausing the conversation. He smiled gently and slid out of the way as I made my way to the back rooms.

By the time I arrived, most everyone was gone. All who were left were Brendon, Ryan, two Sophomore players- Steven and Max, and Coach Armstrong. Brendon saw me first and immediately broke into a wide grin. He didn't say anything, but made sure I knew he knew why I was 'late'.

"Hey Pete!" Coach slapped a hand onto my shoulder. I smiled and looked at him. "Good game out there. I am very proud of you. All of you," he added and looked around at the other four. "I'm looking forward to the rest of this season and next season, but damn am I dreading after that. We are never going to have players as good as most of you." His smile grew a little sad and he patted my shoulder once more and left the rooms.

Brendon and I looked at one another for a few moments before we both bowed are heads. I slid off my skates and grabbed my bag, heading towards a stall to change. I took off my jersey and pads and everything else, putting on comfortable skinny jeans and a black Rancid t-shirt. I tossed my bag back onto the bench as I put my skates back on. I gave a quick goodbye to the four guys and slipped a gray beanie onto my head, hurrying back to the ice.

Just as I stepped out, someone whirled past me, leaping into the air and spinning. They landed with a practiced grace, wobbling just barely.


He noticed my staring and met my gaze. Like I should've, I didn't look away. He skated closer and held out his hand, a new twinkle in his eyes.

I shook my head a little, trying to not be rude. "I-I don't I-ice dance. Or figure skate for that matter."

"That's why I'm offering my hand you Panda," his smile fell as he said the last word. "I was supposed to say bampot. Where did Panda come from?"

I pretended to act hurt. "Aw, Panda isn't my cute nickname from a cute guy?"

A blush crept over his cheeks. "Just come on," he grabbed my hand and pulled me farther onto the ice. He the let go and sped up, doing a small leap into the air. He landed and turned around to look at me.

"You know I'm going to end up either on my face or on my ass, right?" I sighed. He just gave me a half smile that made my chest feel tight. "The things I do for you..." I mumbled hoping he wouldn't hear. "Goodbye to any self-esteem I had left!"

I pushed forward, bending my knees a little and launching into the air. I landed alright, just running into Patrick and sending us both spiraling to the ground.

He pinned me awkwardly, our faces a mere inch apart. As I let my eyes flickered down, his soft pink lips parted slightly. I raised up and captured his mouth with mine. He let out a small gasp but immediately melted into sync. Warmth spread throughout my body as my head clouded over with every thought from the way his lips felt, to the ice burning my back, to the sparks going off behind my eyelids.

I gently slid my hands around his waist and he broke away, resting his forehead on mine.

His bright blue eyes bore into mine, a new sparkle glinting in the light. Every time I exhaled he would inhale and vice versa.

"Do that again," he whispered.

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