~ S-E-V-E-N ~

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~Wednesday; 13th of November 2019~

~ P-E-T-E ~

"Alright Alex. We're going to the back rink and we're just gonna do some simple tasks with the team, cool?" I looked back over my shoulder as the group of us headed from the high schook towards the ice rink. Alex nodded but glanced at Jack nervously. "Don't be hesitant. I believe you're a great player!" I turned and began to walk backwards. "I'm just doing this because I gotta."

He nodded again but relaxed. "It's just... it was such a close move that I know I'm going to see my old team mates on the opposing team, and that's going to be a challenge."

Jack threw an arm around his friend's shoulders. "It'll be okay Lex, what are they going to do, laugh? Sorry to say, but we've beat Northern every game." Alex nodded and leaned his head against Jack's shoulder.

I held the door open as the small group filed through. Brendon led the way to the back rink; 2B. We quietly walked along the outskirts and into the locker room below. By sounds, the rink was empty.

We all suited up in our hockey attire, leaving out the masks and mouth guards. Brendon and Ryan went out ahead of Jack, Alex and I to make sure everything was alright for practice.

I got Alex a Glenbrook South jersey to wear and began chatting with him about how he liked the new school compared to Northen. We fell silent when there was a laugh in the small hall coming in from the rink. A very familiar laugh.

"Pete!" A faint patter of feet sounded behind me. I turned around and met Patrick's bright blue eyes, slightly crinkled by his wide smile. He held his skates in one hand, only walking on the cold concrete in thin socks. A thick bandage was over the bridge of his nose but it didn't stop him from continuing his passion. Ice skating.

"Hey you," I stepped away from Alex and awkwardly hugged Patrick with one arm. "What are you doing here? It's after hours and I thought you had World Civ to work on?" I saw Brendon and Ryan glance at one another with smirks. Assholes.

Patrick shook his head. "I did it this morning, and came here around noon." He bounced on the balls of his feet a little, more to the reason sparkling behind the iris of his eyes.

Jack cleared his throat. I looked up and noticed the other four standing by the exit onto the rink. My face heated up and I looked back at Patrick. "C-Can we borrow the ice for an hour or so?"

"No." Patrick raised an eyebrow. I blinked. He snorted and lightly brushed my shoulder with his as he walked to the bench behind me. "Of course you bampot. I can't stop you."

"Thanks," I mumble and hurry out. The other four snicker and follow. We stop by the gate and put on our skates before going one by one onto the ice.

"Blue-eyes is totally hitting it up," Brendon poked my shoulder. I shrugged him away and focused on Alex. "He's worth the effort to go for..."

"So you were a Defenseman, right?" I ignored Brendon the best I could. Alex nodded but his gaze stayed on Brendon. "Jack," I hardened my voice though my mind flashed to Patrick's little speech yesterday. "Be defense on Away, Alex you're defense Home. Bren, forward opposing. Ry, forward Home."

"What about you?" Everyone paused as Patrick came from nowhere. "There can't be just a single center, or none at all."

"I'm observing Alex, playing random roles throughout... though I didn't think about centers." I turned and looked at the other guys. "Forwards will center and offense, it's a small play anyways."

Brendon and Ryan skated to the middle of the rink and I dropped down a puck. Patrick retreated into the higher bleachers and Alex and Jack got into main positions.

"Didn't know Blue-eyes knew about hockey," Brendon whispered, keeping his eyes on the puck and his arms tense with his stick.

"I didn't either," I replied. I slid backwards and held up my hands, meeting eyes with everyone briefly. "Small play, first score! Go!" I lept back and closed the gate.

Ryan hit the puck first, causing it to fly straight for Jack. They smacked it back and forth for a while, Alex not hesitating on one shot. He blocked Brendon on one, giving Ryan the chance at a hit. It flew right between Jack's legs and into the goal.

"I don't see how this is going to give you some sight on Alex's abilities." Patrick's head popped up over my shoulder. "He's only defending from Brendon, and guarding Ryan when needed. Aren't there others you can call and bring in?"

I cast a glance at the blonde boy. "Four of them went to weight lifting, Gerard and Frank had plans. I already trust his ability as he was from Northen, even though they never won a game over us. I'm just doing this so I have sensible shit to put on the report for Coach Armstrong."

Even though I doubted he knew anyone else I had spoken of, he nodded along like it all made sense. There was suddenly a slightly muffled screaming of a Dalek.


"Hello?" Patrick hurried off as I was doubled over in laughter.

My loud laughs had even caused the guys on ice to stop their exercises and stare at me, confused on what had happened. Tears blurred my vision and ran down my face as I stood up and held onto the railing. Brendon hurried over and opened the gate, grabbing me and wobbling a bit aways from everyone else.

"What the hell man?" Brendon was smiling but was beyond utterly confused.

"I-I-I... O-oh m-m-my g-go-god Br-Bren... h-he's... I need... o-oh f-fuck m-me... h-he's a Wh-Whovian!" I burried my face into my hands.

"Why's that so funny...?" My best friend raised an eyebrow. "I really don't understand."

"Brendon." I turned serious and stared him in the eyes. I grabbed his shoulders and dropped my voice so only he could hear it. "I've met this guy three times now. First time, he shoves me to the ground, but I don't get mad because he's fucking hot. Second time, he gets a nose bleed because our eyes meet and he stumbles. Third time? I learn he's a Whovian and there is absolutely nobody else I know who will be a Timelord with me. Don't you see how just perfectly wrong this all has become?"

"Oh damn."

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