~ S-I-X-T-E-E-N ~

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~Thursday; 12th of December 2019~


Pete didn't go home last night. Aunt Jenn left early last night. The blankets and pillow Pete assisted he would sleep on didn't get used last night.

All I could tell you is that I was shirtless again, my back was pressed against something very warm, and I didnt want to move for another eighty-six years.

It didn't last long though.

I felt my warm, safe, comforting partner shift as I was pulled even closer so every inch was touching. I honestly was trying not to think about the way my rear was pressed against his lower abdomen, but instead focused on his soft breath against the back of my neck.

Knowing he was awake now, I manage to turn myself over. I just want to get lost in his hot whiskey eyes all over again. My gaze was met with lazy eyes and a half smile that made me get butterflies in my stomach.

"Good morning Trick," he yawned, tucking his head close to mine.

"Morning," I replied softly and closed my eyes. "Don't you have school?"

He shook his head. "Two hour delay, I already checked. Whatever gives me more time to just be here with you."

I smiled and nestled my face in the crook of his neck, letting my lips brush against his hot skin. He suddenly sat up making coldness wash over me. I slightly glared up at him and pulled the blanket more over myself.

"Nooo come on," he jumped up from the bed and ripped the blankets off of my bed completely. I let out a groan.

"But Peeeteeeer Paaandaaa, I don wannaaaaa!" I covered my face with my hands. The bed dipped down and I peeked through my fingers just as Pete ran his finger tips along my sides. I let out a squeal before bursting into laughter and trying to swat him away. I eventually got him away and began to focus on catching my breath.

"Why did you leave meeee?" I finally whined, sitting up and pouting.

"Because if I stayed there any longer I would've lost track of time," he said with a small yawn. I looked down at my hands knowing he was right. We could've gotten carried away again or even fallen back asleep... "Don't look so sad," his voice interrupted my thoughts.

I looked back up at Pete noticing his gaze was serious and held a little bit of concern. I just gave a forced grin to hide any worry I may show which seemed to be good enough to get Pete off the small case. "I'm just not looking forward to being alone until Aunt Jenn gets back tomorrow morning or so."

Pete paused and leaned against the bottom of the bed frame. "I could skip today if you wan-"

"No!" I practically screeched and jumped up. "I-I-I mean, don't let me get in the way of anything, and I mean it." I crossed my arms and stood in front of him, trying to look stern. He just laughed and pressed a brief kiss to my forehead. He snatched his shirt from the floor and pulled it over his head, tossing me my own. I caught it and shrugged it on, fixing my hair as Pete grabbed the rest of his belongings and left the room.

I soon followed him after just as a knocking came from the front door. Forgetting to look through the small window to see what stranger may be there, I directly open the door to a face full of snow. Two sets of laughter is the only thing I hear as I stand there with freezing skin and shock.

"Oh my god, I was kinda expecting Pete but this was even better!" One of the voices snort.

I slowly clench both hands into fists and draw in a breath. "Brendon, if I open my eyes and see you, this will be your last time seeing the light of day."

"Oh shit." One pair of feet quickly dash of the porch and sprint through the crunchy snow. "Ryan!!" The other pair soon follow, but a tad faster. I open my eyes and see Ryan launch himself at Brendon, sending both down into a large explosion of white.

I couldn't help but triumphantly smirk as I dusted off the remaining snow particles out of my hair and off of my shoulders. Pete came up behind me and stuck his head over my shoulder. He had his shoes and coat on now. The other two males had gone quiet and I looked back up, though wishing I hadn't.

Ryan still had Brendon pinned down in the snow, but the two were making out aggressively. I felt a blush creep over my cheeks and I shrunk down, disappearing back inside. I scurried off to the kitchen and threw some bread into the toaster as I tried to erase the scarring image from my mind.

My toast popped up and I grabbed up a piece. I bit into the hot wheat bread, glancing at Pete when he walked in. We both looked at the clock and I stuck out my bottom lip, seeing as it was nine twenty-eight.

"Sorry Trick, I gotta go." He snatched the piece of toast from my hand. "Unless you want me to sta-"

"No!" I put my hands on my hips. "I'm not your mother, but you're my boyfriend and I want you to have the best life possible and that has to start with a finished education!"

Pete paused with a smirk, just slightly adjusting the bag on his back. "I'm you're boyfriend?"

My hands came to in front of me and I began rubbing a thumb over one of my palms. "W-Well I-I just k-kinda.... assumed... aft-ter the p-past few d-days and... l-last night..."

"Hey don't be nervous," he spoke softly. He used one hand to push mine down gently. I froze up a little, my mind going wild with anxiety and not knowing how to release it, now not rubbing my hands. "I like the sound of being your boyfriend."

Still not knowing what to do, I panicked and leaned forward, crashing our lips together. He let out a surprised grunt but quickly complied, setting the toast onto the counter behind me us and wrapping his arms around me.

We broke apart at the sound of a car horn, but grinning like idiots.

"That's your ride," I mumbled, grin slowly falling. He nodded and pulled back. He grabbed the piece of toast again and stuck it in his mouth before walking out the front door.

I watched as he got into his car with Brendon and Ryan, really wishing to yell three simple words out to him. But it doesn't feel like the right time. It's too early, too soon. So instead I pull back inside and shut the front door so the heat bill doesn't overload.

Seriously Pete, what have you done to me?

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