~ O-N-E ~

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~Thursday; 7th of November 2019~

~ P-E-T-E ~

I walked the halls of Southern Glenbrook High with my head up and a smirk upon my face. I would nod my head to those who dropped a greeting as I walked past, or throw a wink to the giggling girls. My best friend Brendon was always by my side, doing the similar.

It was currently November seventh of the year twenty-nineteen. The beginning of Hockey season. Yes, both I and Brendon are Juniors this year, but both star team members of the Titan's Varsity Hockey. Everyone knows it.

I liked the fame my talent brought me. Excuses from class without the tardy cards. Always on the good-side with the teachers and staff. Not shoved to the side or thrown into lockers. But it did have its downside. One downside bothered me particularly.

"You should take Ashlee Simpson to prom since you're both the most popular."

To me, that was like mixing choclate ice cream and pepperoni pizza. Both are popular foods, but should stay away from one another.

I don't like Ashlee. Stubborn, snobby and selfish. The three S's I tended to avoid. I wanted a girl more... Respectful, quiet but loud, and generous. That's why people began pushing me towards Meagan Camper.

There's uno problemo there.

Meagan doesn't have a dick.

I did have my eyes on a Sophomore named Mikey Way. But, Mikey is asexual and doesn't really want anything more than a cuddle buddy, muchless one with a dude. Plus, if something were to happen, I know Gerard would beat the living shit out of me.

On the other hand, I wasn't one to swoon over the hot chicks and guys I see around either. I just worked hard in school, and played hard for hours after. Sometimes on the weekends I would spend hours at the local ice rink, smacking around a puck or doing skating exercises. Brendon and the guys would even stop by once and a while.

I followed Brendon into our final class of the day; English. English was probably my favorite "normal" class. I liked writing, well, anything really. From depressing poems to fictional stories where I'm a famous bassist in a band with three other best friends, to even the occasional essay, I liked the feeling of a pen upon paper. To the point where I even liked to sketch and draw.

We sat in our usual back corner with a few other friends. The bell rang and we got out our notebooks before the teacher stood from her desk.

"Alright guys," she said with a sigh. "Uh, just finish up yesterday's assignment. When you're done with that, take the rest of class to uh, work on other school work or something."

I raised an eyebrow as she walked to the other side of the classroom and opened the filing cabinet. She grabbed a few pens and closed it back up before sitting back at her desk, setting her head in her hands.

I stood from my own desk and walked up the rows of desks. I stopped in front of Mrs. Burch's own desk and rested my hands upon the edge. I stared at her light brown hair for a few moments before clearing my throat. Her head shot up and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Pete. I-I... sorry," she shook her head and sat up straight. "Rough day."

"Let me guess. Last class, three boys, unnamed?" I stood back up and crossed my arms. She hesitated but nodded, looking back down at the papers on her desk. "Don't worry. I'll talk to them. If they're not giving respect to the teachers, they're not bringing respect to the team."

She looked up at me hopefully. "Thank you, Pete."

"It's no problem Mrs. B," I smiled and walked back.

Brendon poked my shoulder as I sat down. "Logan, Robert and Jack?" I just gave him a look. He rolled his eyes. "I keep telling that Jack kid that he's too good a guy to hang with them, but nooo."

I chuckled and opened my notebook to yesterday's work. A one hundred word poem about anything to do with winter. Mine was about a figure skater, alone in the world but okay with it.

"Oh hey Pete," Brendon rested his chin on my shoulder as he looked at my paper. I leaned my head on his. "Remember coach is outta town this weekend. You can take a break from the skates, come hang out at my place?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

I laughed. "But it's the start of the season. I-"

"Pete your the best fucking player they've had in years. All you do is practice and play. One weekend won't hurt."

"Did you invite Ryan over?" I put my pen down as Brendon scooted his desk closer so he could lay on my shoulder without straining his neck.


"Nah I'm good, thanks for the invite." I spoke quickly.

"But I... invited... Andy over too!"

Andy turned around in his desk from in front of me and looked at us. "My name?" He asked, tucking some hair behind his ear.

"You're going over to Brendon's this weekend?" I smirked.

He blinked and shrugged. "Who else is going?"

"Pete and Ryan-"

"Nah I'm good." Andy turned back around and began working.

Brendon sat up with a snort. "Oh come on! Ryan and I fucked once and you guys weren't supposed to come over for another two hours!"

"You said five." I picked up my pen again and skimmed over what I had written down.

"I said seven," he crossed his arms and pouted.

"Five," Andy said over his shoulder.

Brendon stayed silent after that. Five minutes were left of class and we had packed up, chatting amongst ourselves.

"You guys are mean. Not coming over because of Ryan. What did he do to you?" Brendon shoved his desk back in place.

"He screamed your name." I stood and put my bag onto my shoulder. Brendon opened his mouth. "Okay, listen. I'll come over. One o'clock, Saturday afternoon. If I hear one moan, groan, bang of a bed against the wall, I am going home and drinking bleach."

Brendon's jaw fell open. "Baby no." The bell rang and he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, pushing his face against my shoulder.

"Oh my god, Brendon let go!" I began to drag him from the classroom and into the hall.

"NO! Promise me no bleach even if you hear him scream my name from your house!"

With his words my feet faltered and we both fell to the floor. I began wheezing and my face was burning. He put several thoughts in my head I never wanted to experience.

"Brendon we both live in those big thick walled houses, a block or two away from one another. If I hear him scream from my house there are several things wrong and I'll be moving to Australia before drinking the bleach."

"What the fuck are you two doing?"

We both look up to see a pair of hazel eyes looking down at us. I give Ryan a small wave before standing up, Brendon following my actions.

"Hey Ry," Brendon placed a kiss onto his forehead. Ryan's cheek dusted pink and he smiled.

"Okay you lovebirds, I'm going home. Gotta finish some studying for that Trig test tomorrow," I fixed my bag before nodding and walking out the school doors.

Life is good.

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