~ F-I-F-T-E-E-N ~

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~Wednesday; 11th of December 2019~

~ P-E-T-E ~

I trudged forward with my hands in my pockets and hood up. The wind was biting bitterly, but mostly because it was cold. I jumped in the front seat of my car with my bag on my back. I just wanted to be out of the severe cold. Brendon and Ryan soon slid into the back seats just as I started the engine. I shrugging off my bag and tossed it into the empty passenger seat before glancing in my rear view mirror at the two.

"You guys ready for our little tournament at my place this evening?" Brendon looked between Ryan and I excitedly, adjusting his crutch to sit safely by the door.

"Wait. I thought that was tomorrow?" I cranked the heat up and looked at the snow hitting the windshield. I hope this doesn't turn into a snow storm...

"We agreed on Tuesday though," Ryan stuck his head over the shoulder of my seat.

"Shit," I mumbled under my breath. I began chewing on my lip. "Let me call Patrick real quick," I spoke up and reached for my bag to get my phone.

Brendon grabbed my wrist and looked at me. "Don't cancel on Little Man for us. Seriously. I haven't seen you this happy in... well... I dunno."

"But we've had this planned for a while now, and Patrick asked me just today to come over." I met Brendon's gaze through the rear view mirror. "He'd understand."

"We can do this battle to the death tomorrow." Ryan nodded his head. "I mean he wants to hang out somewhere not at the rink. Just go for it."

"The rink is closed anyways... polishing up the ice or whatever it's called," I said as Brendon let go of my wrist. Knowing there was no way I was going to win an argument one against Brendon with sidekick Ryan, I began the drive through the thickly falling snow to Brendon's.

By the time I had parked in the Urie's driveway, there was a foot of freshly fallen snow. It had begun this morning around nine, and hadn't stopped.

"Just stay the night at my place alright?" Brendon looked out the window with some concern. "Patrick lives right there, and we both know this is practically your second house. Neither of our mom's will mind. Something tells me there's a small chance of no school tomorrow."

"Small chance," I sighed. "It's Chicago."

We all got out of the warm car and into the icy atmosphere outside. I gave a brief goodbye to Brendon and Ryan before hurrying through the cold fluff to the neighbor's.

I raised my hand up to the front door and knocked a few times before walking in. I closed the front door and stood on the inside mat shivering and waiting for Patrick, or Mrs. Burch if she was home.

I let my bag slide off of my shoulder just as a pair of feet quietly patter into the small hallway. I glance up and see a shirtless Patrick, dancing around and sliding on the hardwood floor in socks. I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips just watching him. But about the time I realised he didn't seem to know I was here, his eyes made contact with mine just seconds before he let out a squeal and jumped back.

"I didn't mean to scare you," I spoke up hoping my voice would lead him to his side of realisation. "It's just getting pretty bad outside an- oomph!" He had run over and jumped into my arms, wrapping his own around my neck and burrowing his face into my chest.

"Pandaaaa," he looked up at me with his bottom lip stuck out in a pout. "They closed the rink most of tomorrow toooo." As I went to fully encircle my arms around his waist he pulled back, face growing red. "I-I just... I don't have a shirt on... u-uh... w-we can go upstairs..." and with that he dashed up the stairway nearby.

I snatched my bag back up and followed him into his bedroom. I sat my bag back down by the door and shrugged off my coat, letting it fall into a pile next to my backpack. As I kicked off my converse, Patrick came into view with a white Coldplay shirt over his torso.

He had his hands in his back pockets. "I honestly wasn't expecting you to come over like right after school." His blue eyes flickered.

I shrugged and offered a weak smile. "I was going to Brendon's anyways and the weather just kept getting worse so I figured, why not? I meant to text you."

He smiled at that and shyly walked closer. He put his face next to mine, his soft exhales tingling down my neck. He turned his head and let the tip of his nose trail over my cheek. "I'm not distracting you from any school work or hockey, am I?" His voice was a light whisper. When I shook my head, he finally connected our lips.

This kiss was a bit different than the others. It was more... hungry than anything before. I really wasn't one to argue though. I lightly and hesitantly pushed him back, stepping forward. He seemed to understand and broke off the kiss, pulling me back and twirling us around so he could shove me down onto the bed. I sank into the fluffy comforter and sheets with a laugh, enjoying the cool fabric against my warm skin.

He crawled over me, laying on my stomach. He crossed his arms over my chest and rested his chin on one of his forearms, blue eyes shining. I reached a hand up his shirt and began rubbing his back. He really seemed to like when my fingers traced his skin up by his shoulder blades.

"This isn't the original reason I invited you over," he mumbled through the silence. I picked my head up a little and smirked.

"Oh? I'm not sure whether to feel okay with that, or disappointed." He rolled his eyes but cracked a smile.

"I just didn't want to be alone. You know how hard it is to be alone now that I have friends who seem to care about me after the big move?" His voice grew sad but his eyes still held a smile. "I mean, of course I had friends back home, but here..."

I took my free hand and held his cheek. I lightly rubbed my thumb along his cheekbone. "No, I don't know. But I do know that you don't have to worry about being alone ever again, alright?"

He nodded and pulled himself farther up. He leaned down and let his lips brush past mine, attaching to my lower jaw line. My head rolled to the side as he worked his way down my neck which caused a small moan to erupt from my throat.

I felt Patrick smile when my fingers pressed into his back. I pushed him so we were sitting up, him on my lap. I greedily connected our lips and pulled him closer by the waist. He made a slight purring sound and tangled a hand in my hair, tugging ever so slightly.

I began to gently chew on his bottom lip when he suddenly jumped up and shoved me to the floor. I landed with a loud thud and let out a soft groan.

"Stay down," Patrick hissed as I heard bed springs creak. I heard him softly lay down on the opposite side of the bed just as his bedroom door opened.

"Hey honey, sorry I'm late." Mrs. Burch. "You alright? I heard a loud crash and-"

"Yeah yeah, just fell off the bed. Again." Patrick chuckled lightly, trying to not show his heavy breathing.

"I see that. I'll be leaving in the next few hours after I grab my bags and make your dinner alright? The weather man said it'll only get worse from here." After that statement the door closed and Patrick jumped up, hurrying to my side.

"I-I didn't mean to hurt you," he muttered and helped me up. I shook my head and pulled him into a brief hug.

"Patrick," I mumbled with my face nestled in his hair. "If that's going go happen every time, I love the way you hurt me."

He let out a giggle and pulled back with those alluring blue eyes. "Wanna do it again?"

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