Chapter 1

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"Get out!" 'Like I need second telling!' At the sound of my father's screeching voice, I bolt towards the door, collecting my iPod on my way.

My iPod is just everything to me. My mother bought it for me, when I was back in LA with her. Before she shipped me over to London so that I could live with this idiot known as my dad. It has everything on it. Music. Pictures. Videos. My entire life is on it.

I run, slipping the iPod safely into my tracksuit bottoms zip-up pocket. Holding back tears, I slip into a near-by alley way and collapse against the wall. Suddenly my tears begin to flow, as I can't hold them back any longer. Without care, I let them. Nobody ever finds me down here. It's a dead-end so if anybody did find me, I'd be as good as dead. It's a long alley-way though. So I just sit at the back of it and nobody can see me. Every now and then people hear me, but when they look there is nothing, so they leave. Today however, alot of people seem to be taking interest. 'That's the funny thing - I can see them, clear as anything, but they can't see me.' I smile at the thought.

My shaking hand slides into my pocket and my fingers wrap around the cold iPod in my pocket. "Shit!" I curse, realising I have left my headphones at the house. Shaking my head, I decide to just play the music anyway. Shuffling around, I get myself comfortable and listen to Mark Owen - The Art of Doing Nothing. 'I fucking love this album!' Clicking the top button the side of my device, I lay it on my stomach and slowly drift off into a sleep, my music blaring in my ear.

My Saviour, my "father"Where stories live. Discover now