Chapter 9

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*Mark's POV*

"Mark!" Robbie touching my shoulder, trying to whisper loud enough wakes me up. I look at him, expecting him to speak but instead he just nods towards the door. I'm guessing he doesn't want to wake Jess. I carefully let go of her, putting the duvet over her body almost as though I'm tucking a baby in - which I basically am but she's not a baby. Outside, Robbie speaks in his normal tone. "I'm getting off mate. Was only meant to be popping check you were OK!" He laughs, putting his coat on whilst I nod my head in agreement. "Yeah, you get off mate it's fine. Tell the others I'll see them as soon as possible. Could you do me a favour though, Rob?" I ask him, looking away unsure as I speak. "What's that?" He raises an eyebrow, not wanting to agree until he knows. "Just, don't tell the lads for me? I want to do it. Because I know what they're like!" I giggle slightly at the end part, Robbie joining in and nodding his head. "Yeah, course not." He smiles, patting my back as we say our goodbyes. "Mark?" I hear Jess shout weakly from upstairs, and run up to her. "Hey, how are you?" I glance over at the clock. 10:57. It's getting late. "Embarrassed!" She giggles forcefully, her smile dropping slightly straight afterwards. "Why's that?" I raise an eyebrow at her, walking to sit next to her on the bed. She gives me a 'you seriously don't know?!' kind of look before explaining. "You're Mark Owen. And I just fell asleep on you in your bed crying my eyes out. I'm so so sorry."

"You've got no reason to be sorry! I expect you to be emotional! If not just because of..." I trail off, not really wanting to say. "Then because a lot has happened today!!!" I laugh, trying to break the small amount of tension building as well as realising that it really has. "Thank you. So much." She speaks after a few moments of silence. "What for?" I know what she's saying thank you for, of course. She's saying thank you just for me finding her but I want her to tell me, I don't know why. "Everything. Being there when nobody else was. Comforting me at the hardest of times. Helping me get away even if it was only for one day." I cut her off, realising her last point. "Only for one day? You're not going back, Jess." I tell her in the most authoritative/fatherly tone I can find. I refuse to let her get hurt ever again, not whilst there's anything I can do about it.

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