Chapter 17

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Mark's POV

Where is he? He's been gone too long. This can't be right. But nothing's happened. No care have pulled up, and nobody follow him in. I don't even think anyone saw him go in except me. I don't know why I rely on him so much sometimes... He's just a great friend for me to turn to when I need help... And for some strange reason he will do practically anything for-

My thoughts are broken by the sound of a door opening. The sun is starting to set now, and the street lights are at that sort of "warming up" stage. It must be getting late. He'll be due home any time soon.

I poke my head around the corner to see a tall man with dark, scruffy hair and a rough beard entering the house. Luckily it appears Robbie had the common sense to lock the front door behind him, just in case. Oh God now what?

I feel so helpless, my heart beating faster than anything before in my chest as I picture images of all the damage this man could do to my best friend. Not to forget about Jess. She must be wondering where we got to. We weren't supposed to be this long.

My thoughts are broken again, hearing a man collapse against the wall next to me, panting heavily with his hands on his knees. It's Robbie.

I practically jump on him, pulling him into the tightest hug possible which he soon returns, before telling me we have to go.

"What took you so long?" I ask him, nudging his side gently as we walk along the road kicking stones every now and then.

"I decided to 'ave a look around. Turns out, he came home before I got the chance. I hid behind the sofa for a while... Then he went in the kitchen and I snuck out the front door again." He says calmly. To me, it sounds like what he just did was something out of Mission Impossible. But to him? He says it like he does it every day.

"Thank God you're OK, Robbie..." I turn to him, stopping us both in our tracks. My hands wrap around his waist tightly, my head pressing against his chest when his arms envelope me, keeping me warm from the cold night.

"Well, y'know me..." He smirks against my head, before taking one arm from me and pulling a passport out of his pocket. "I got this by the way." He shoots me a proud grin, and I just shake my head, pulling away from his warm embrace and suddenly feeling very exposed and vulnerable to the open air.

*see, I'm not THAT bad of a person :)*

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