Chapter 5

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*So, basically, I have another account on here where I'm writing another 3 fanfictions... it's marksdolphin basically because that's my twitter but yeah, that's me. I personally think the others are better than this but this is completely different to them.*

You can trust him, Jess. You can trust him. "It's not his fault, it really isn't. I mean, it can't be. It must be my fault. I must deserve it. If it wasn't me then it would be someone else... So, nobody knows. Nobody, at all. Not even my mum. My mum lives in LA, I just get sent over here sometimes..." I trail off, my mind filled with the horrible thoughts that consume it everyday. "It's OK, Jess. I'm here." Mark wraps a supportive arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him. "It... It's..." My voice is barely a whisper as I tell him. But should I tell him? Does he really need all of my problems too? "My dad..." I say, almost to myself, but Mark hears. I feel him swallow deeply as he continues to hold me tightly to his chest, tears threatening in my eyes. "It's going to be Ok, Jess. I promise." I look up at him, still unable to believe that he actually is Mark Owen. "Thank you." I tell him simply as he looks at me confused. "For everything. I mean, I don't know where I'd be without you and your music right now. Probably with some random stranger or even..." My mind trails off as I think about the times I've cried myself to sleep at night silently, doing nothing but inflicting pain on myself further, both mentally and physically. "But I took your lead. And smiled through the bad stuff. Thinking maybe if I can convince everyone else I'm OK, eventually I'll convince myself. I did. Sometimes it would work and I'd forget about everything for a moment. Get lost in music or just think about someone I love. And for that I thank you. Because without you, this would have been impossible." I've always dreamed of being able to tell Mark what he means to me, and yes, I did miss out a huge section but I don't care. He knows how important he is to me now and that's what matters.

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