Chapter 13

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*A/N sorry it's short! next one will be longer!*

Mark's POV

"Hey, Rob?"

"Yeah mate?"

"OK. I need your help. I have this really crazy idea but I can't do it without you."

"And what would that idea be?"

"You're not going to agree."

"Then why bother telling me if you already know my answer? You must really want whatever it is so I'll bare that in mind when I say no or whatever. So c'mon, hit me with it."

OK. Well, what's the worst he could do? Call me mad?

"I need to get into Jess' dad's house."

"What the fuck Mark?!"

Knew it.

"Listen, it' important OK?"

"Important?! Mark, you're important! I'd rather you didn't risk getting your fave smashed in! Why do you even need to do this anyway?"

"I need her passport." He doesn't need to know anything else.

"Why Mark? You're not leav-"

"No not me! Her. She's going to America to visit her mum. So please, Rob. I need your help here."

"My help?! What am I supposed to do?!"

"Look he's out for the next three hours. That's all we have. I need you, Rob. Please."

"Fine. Seriously, I never thought I'd be doing this. But I can tell how much she means. So I'll pick you up in 10."

And with that he puts the phone down. Am I actually about to do this? Can i actually do this? I'd prefer it if I didn't, but I have to for Jess' sake. I guess there's only one option here then really.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared, but Robbie being there with me makes me feel like this could go well.

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