Chapter 18

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We arrive home and check the time on the clock as we do. 9pm. "Jess?" I call up the stairs as I leave Robbie to lock the front door. "Mark!!!" She practically falls down the stairs she running that quickly, before jumping on me and wrapping her arms tightly around my shoulders. I can tell she's been crying, from the slightest glimpse of her eyes under her fringe that I got. "Hey hey... What is it??" I hear Robbie go into the kitchen and put the kettle on. Perfect.

"You were gone so long... I just thought..." I stop her words, muting them with my own. "I'm sorry it took so long, ok? C'mon, come have a cuppa with me and Rob and we'll explain everything, yeah?" She nods weakly, walking with me into the kitchen as my arm rests loosely around her shoulder.

"Tea?" Robbie asks the general question as he sets out two cups in front of him. Jess says that she does and states how many sugars she takes, and I just nod, knowing he'll know and within seconds three cups of tea and a passport are placed gently on the table in front of us. "There ya go." He grins proudly.

"Oh my God you did it!!! You got my passport!!!!" She jumps to her feet in excitement, grabbing the passport and wrapping her arms tightly around me, thanking me over and over. "Ay, I did nothing except stand and watch. It's this not-so-little knight in shining armour over 'ere you want to thank!" I wink over at Robbie and he puts his hands on his hips proudly as well as jokingly. "All in a days work." He can't hold back a slight giggle, before wrapping his arms tightly around Jess.

"H...How did it go?" She takes a sip of her tea, sitting down nervously. Me and Robbie exchange a glance. We hadn't really spoke about what we were going to tell her. Robbie just shrugs, not really knowing what to say, so I just tell her the story.

She listens intently until at the end, she hugs Robbie tightly again, thanking him over and over. I have to admit, I was a little jealous. I mean, Robbie wouldn't have been here in the first place if it wasn't for me. But I smile anyway, and a few seconds later Jess explains how tired she is and how she needs to go to bed. So, everybody says night to her - Robbie wishing he luck for the morning- and me and Robbie tidy away the cups, before sitting down to watch TV. "Thanks a lot for today. It means a lot y'know." I pull him put of his trance as he'd been staring at the TV. "Hm.. sorry... yeah... Erm yeah it's fine."

"Rob? You alright mate?" I nudge him, noticing how he looks like he's not entirely with it and he turns to me, looking at me deeply. As our eyes connect, something in my feels awkward and tells me to look away, but I don't. Instead, Robbie does and he stands away from the sofa, straightening his t-shirt and coughing gently. "I erm... Best be heading off..." I stop him in his tracks, grabbing his arm and pulling him back confused. "You sure you're alright mate?" He nods quickly, pulling away and making his way to the front door, unlocking it and stepping out. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I shout behind him, hopefully. He just nods, raising his hand behind him to wave.

What's his problem?

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