Chapter 3

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"Alright... well... come this way then. I live that way so it'll be the long way 'round but if your sure..." He guides me in the other direction, taking me around the corner. I take a deep breath, breathing the cold air around me. It feels good, but I still stay close to Mark. Looking warily around me at all times.

Eventually, we arrive at a huge house somewhere I've never been before. "Welcome to my home!" Mark announces, unlocking his front door for me to walk in front of him. I stand just behind the door, not wanting to intrude his house. "Come on, do you want some tea?" He leads me into a room which I assume is his kitchen, me following slowly behind. "P...Please..." He pulls a chair out for me and I immediately. "Sugar?" He asks, putting the kettle on.

"No th...thank you...." I answer and within seconds the cup is set in front of me. "So...Jess..." He says almost awkwardly, sitting opposite me. "Are you OK?" He asks, as though he already knows the answer, but I smile and lie anyway. "I'm fine..." He stand up and walks to me, crouching next to my chair a placing a gentle hand on my arm. As he does so, I wince away in pain as he comes in contact with one the fresher bruises. "Jess? Are you sure you're OK?" He asks, moving my hair - which I'd used to hide my neck - out of the way. As soon as he sees the bruise, I notice his jaw drop. "W...What happened?" He asks, but I simply shy away, knocking his hand away from my hair and letting it cover the mark once again. "You can talk to me, Jess. Please?" He practically begs me, but I shake my head and look anyway in any direction but his. "I want to help Jess... honest... I'll never hurt you..."

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