Chapter 20

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It's 5:30am. Nobody in their right mind should be up this early. I wouldn't be if I didn't have to be, but I don't mind. It's for Jess so it's OK. I'm on my way to the airport with a very excited Jess in the passenger seat next to me, and roughly 3 suitcases filled with clothes in the back. If anything worries me, it's that. It's like she's packed to go and live out there. I know I can't stop her and I have no right to even think about stopping her, but I don't want her to go. "Mark you missed the turning!" she giggles, obviously too happy to be angry at me for being so lost in my thoughts and almost taking her the wrong way. "Don't worry, I know another way," I shoot her a reassuring smile, lying and turning around at the next roundabout to return. It's a good job we'd left 2 hours earlier than we had to, or else she might not have made her flight. As much as I don't want her to go - she's been like a daughter to me recently, and that's been an amazing feeling, just to have someone who actually needs me - I know it's what she wants and I can't stop that. I love her too much to stop her doing that.

A few minutes later and we're at the airport. We don't say much, as Jess is just excited. I'm not sure if she's excited to go on the plane, or to see her mum. I think it's the whole thing to be honest. She goes through all the stages of getting ready to board the plane on her own as I stand back and watch carefully. After, she comes running over to me quickly waving her ticket in front of my face. There's not long left until she boards the plane so we sit down and chat until her flight is called. "Right, I need you to ring me when you land, then ring me when you're with you're mum, ok?" She grins excitedly, giggling slightly at my protectiveness. "yes yes sure ok I have to go thank you so much!" She gives me a quick hug before turning around and practically running towards the queues.

"Hey Rob, was just wondering what you were up to tonight? thought we could do something? Give me a call back when you get this." Sighing, I climb into the drivers side of the car and start the engine. As soon as I do, Robbie rings me back... I need to know what it is that's wrong with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2014 ⏰

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