Chapter 2

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*Sorry it's been so long since I started! Forgot my password ended up with a new account and stuff but anyway here you go :)*

"Hello?" I hear a voice coming from the end of the alley, getting closer and closer. It's a man. I can tell that from his voice. I quickly click pause on my music, shuffling back as far as possible and wiping away a few stray tears as I do. "Is anyone there?" He's getting closer and closer. 'oh no...' He keeps coming closer and I make out that he's a shortish man who looks familiar. 'Please... no...' He get's closer and I realise he can see me as I try to make myself as small as possible. "I'm not gonna hurt you..." His voice is familiar too, I know him. I just can't work out why. He continues to walk toward me slowly and stops a few steps away from me, to bend down and put us at the same height. I feel a hand on my knee softly and flinch away immediately. "Hey... it's OK... I'm not going to hurt you... are you alright?" he asks, but I remain petrified. It's been a fear of mine for a while now, strangers. And older men. Sounds strange, but I always thought if my own father could hurt me, how much could a man who doesn't even know me hurt me! "Mind if I sit here?" He points to the space next to me, and I finally look up at the persistent man. I can tell he's wearing a hat and a leather jacket. I shake my head quickly, to ensure he doesn't come near me. "Alright, I'll stay hear." He sits properly on the floor in front of me, and starts conversation. "I heard your music. You like Mark Owen?" He asks. I just glare at him as if to say 'Why else would I listen to him?!' But of course he doesn't see through the darkness. "What's your name?" He asks, I remain silent. "Well... My name's Mark..." He starts. 'What... no...' My head snaps up so I can see him. 'It would make sense as to why I know his voice and his look...' "M...Mark...?" I find the confidence to ask. "A...As in... Owen?" He nods through the darkness. "So... Now you know who I am, what's your name?" He says, putting his hand over my covered knee again. "I...I'm.. Jess." I tell him, watching as he stands from the floor, holding his hand out to me. "Well, Jess. Should we get you out of here because I don't know about you but I'm freezing!" I take his hand willingly. He guides me towards the end of the alley way and the sun practically blinds me. At first he starts walking in the direction of my house, but I refuse to follow him. "Jess? You alright? Come on!" He comes back to me, looking for a sign as to why I've stopped. "I can't go there..." I state simply, feeling this really isn't the time or place to explain, especially not to Mark Owen. He doesn't need me let alone all my problems.

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