Chapter 11

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"Cake's done!" I call through to Jess from the kitchen, taking the cake from the oven and placing it on the side. "Smells good!" She smiles, skipping through the door. She pokes the top of the cake, making sure it's cooked properly. "Oi you! Don't you trust me?!" I nudge her in her side, causing her to giggle slightly as she takes the cake from the tin. "Well, since you can't get an egg in the bowl... No!" She laughs again, turning to face me after putting the cake to cool. "Oh well..." I can't help but laugh with her, running my fingers through my hair as I do so. All of a sudden, the sound of ringing breaks the moment. "Oh, that's my phone... Sorry it'll be my mum." She answers it quickly, walking out of the room as she does so.

Jess' POV


"Hi darling, how are you?"

"I... Erm... I'm good thanks, are you?"

"Yes, I'm great. Listen, good news! I get to come home from my work early so... You can come back tomorrow!"

"Oh my God yay! I've missed you so much!"

"Right honey, tell your dad to have you at the airport tomorrow by 4pm. Love you!"

"Love you too!" It's the truth, I've missed my mum a lot. But how will I tell her I ran away from my dad? How will I tell her why? How will I tell Mark... "You alright?" Mark calling from behind me breaks my thought, as I turn to him. "Erm... I... That was my mum... She wants me to go to America and be with her... Her breaks from work usually last a couple of months before she goes away again... I have to go..."

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