Chapter 10

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*A/N just a bit if cuteness for you all*

"Mark I have t-" she tries to argue but I cut her off. "Jess. You don't have to do anything. Don't go back unless you want to. I don't want you to go back. I don't want you to get hurt ever again." I tell her as calmly as possible. "Of course I don't want to I jus-" I cut her off again. "That's it then. You're staying with me!" I try not to sound overly happy and glad, but think I fail. She just smiles at me best she can and looks down at her hands. This is not going to be easy. I can tell that already. But I get a feeling it is definitely going to be worth it. "Right. Now. Today's going to be a good day!" I state, rather optimistically. "And I am actually free today so... Let's do something!" I suggest, mainly just wanting to see her smile. "Mark... I can't go out.... What if he-" I know what she's going to say, so cut her off yet again. "We don't go out then. Do something inside together. We can..." I trail off, thinking about what we can do together before presenting Jess with a list, starting with baking and finishing somewhere on watching a movie. "Hmm... I don't mind Mark, honestly you decide." I don't imagine she got much of a chance to do things like baking with her father, and it sounds like her mother was away a lot. Plus I really want some chocolate cake. "Well... Wanna make some chocolate cake?" I suggest hopefully, before she nods smiling sweetly at me. "Alrighty!!! Umm..." She giggles at me, obviously realising. "Google it. I would, but my iPod died." She holds up the dark device and I pull out my phone instead. "Here, charge it up." I plug the cable from the draw in and plug her iPod into it for her. "Thank you so much." I unlock my phone and hand it to her, open on google. "You know what you're doing, tell me what we need and I'll find it!" She taps a few keys on the phone and begins reading out a list. To both mine and her surprise I have it all and we can immediately start to bake. "OK so... Cracking the eggs." I try an show off a little, hitting one on the side and opening it quickly, only to miss the bowl completely. It results in hysterical laughter from Jess' point which is something I like to see and hear.

Once the mix is finally mixed together (many eggs and tears of laughter later,) I pour it into a tin, handing it to Jess to put in the oven. As she does, I cheekily lick the spoon, hiding it when she turns back. "You have chocolate on your nose!" She points out, dipping her finger in the small amount of remaining mix whilst giggling at me. "You're not too god at this, are you?" She questions, still laughing whilst she washes a bowl clean. "I'll do that. And you'll have to teach me then!" I try to take over washing but she just throws a tea-towel at me. "you can dry." She smiles sweetly at me and I moan like a child in response. "But I don't wanna dry!!!!" She raises on eyebrow at me, like a mother scolding her child - strange considering... - but I can't hold back laughter and I start to dry the dishes. I love having Jess around. She makes everything happier. She makes me happier. I seriously hope nothing goes wrong here.

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