Chapter 8

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"I can't let her go, Rob. I just can't." I explain, causing Robbie to look down at the floor with a sigh. "Then don't. But don't go getting yourself hurt here Markie, it's the last thing any of us want, alright?" He smiles reassuringly as I nod my head. Only then do I notice that I can't hear any water running, and I never heard the water begin to run. Did she just listen to our entire conversation? Or has something happened? I panic, unsure whether or not to check on her. "Rob do you hear that?" I ask, urgency and quickness in my voice. His head shoot up, confusion covering his face. "Hear what?"

"Exactly. You usually have to run water to get a bath or a shower, right?" Robbie then realises what I mean, standing up and making his way to the stairs. "Rob don't! I will." I put my hand on his shoulder, pulling him back so I can run past him up the stairs. I notice the bathroom door open and the room empty. OK, maybe she skipped the shower and fell asleep? I stop moving, listening as closely as possible. That's when I hear it. I hear her. Slowly, I make my way to my bedroom door, knocking slightly. "Er... erm...y..yes..." She sobs, rustling around under the duvet as I enter the room. "I... sorry..." she says, backing away into the pillows. "Hey hey, what's wrong?" I carefully sit on the other end of the bed, realising she probably doesn't want me next to her right now. "I can't... Mark I'm so sorry..." She cries into the duvet. I can't be the other side of the bed to her seeing her like this. I quickly scrabble over to her side, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her to me tightly. "Come on. It's OK. There's no need to be sorry. C'mon...." I gently sway with her against me, trying desperately to calm her down. She curls up in my lap, like a young child, not the young adult she is. I don't understand, what's wrong with her? Mind you, stupid question. It's quite obvious really. She doesn't speak at all, and I keep up the gentle movement of our bodies. The crying lessens and she begins to hug me back. Her grip is tighter than I expected around my waist. It soon softens and the sobs become silent. After a few minutes, I notice the silence around and slowly look down to see Jess sleeping against my chest. I think about laying her down and leaving, but change my mind and lay down with her.

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