Chapter 16

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*A/N ok guys so I basically had this thought and I want to know what you think. What do you think if I made this a WillOwen fic? It would still be following the same plot with Jessica and stuff but just... Robbie in it more?? I just feel that's a good option right now and it would mean more updates because I could go further with the story. But let me know :). And thank you to everyone by the way and I'm so sorry for slow updates!!!! And sorry for short chapters too*

Robbie's POV

I can't fucking believe I'm doing this. Actually no, I can believe it. I really can believe I'm doing this. Because Mark asked me, didn't he? Of all people, him. He knows I could never say no to him. Especially not if saying no would hurt him like hell.

I risk a glance back at him, noticing him watching me hopefully around the corner, clinging onto the wall. I notice him mouth the words 'good luck' to me, before I turn back around to cross the road. I clench my fists at my side, slightly scared. I'm about to break into a random guy's house for the sake of a girl I don't know. All because Mark Owen asked me to. Clever clever Robbie.

I look around slowly, checking for any signs of life that may notice me as bring anyone but the owner of this house. But the neighbours' curtains are shut and there appears to be nobody home. There are no cars passing by and slipping in through the garden gate appears to be the easiest thing possible at the moment.

Taking a deep breath and glancing back at Mark for a moment, I open to gate and slowly entered the walled front garden. There's no flowers or anything a like to make the house seem more homely. Nothing welcoming. In fact, nothing at all except dead grass and an uneven concrete path leading through the centre of it, end with a step. Then the front door, with it's black paint chipped at places and the door knocker slightly out of place.

What kind of burglar uses the front door? I ask myself, before throwing the thought away. I'm not burgling him, I'm helping a friend.

Clenching my fists as I had done before, I slowly reach under the torn mat to find what I had been hoping for. A key. At least I wouldn't physically have to break in, that's better.

I can practically feel Mark watching me, even from the distance he is away. Act normal and no one will suspect a thing. I say the words over and over in my head, trying my hardest to stop the slightest of shakes forming in my hand as I put the key in the key hole and turn it, hearing the door unlock and finally pushing it open...

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