Chapter 7

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"Oh... you busy mate?" Robbie asks Mark as he looks at me. I step to the side, letting Robbie in as he looks at me confused. This can't be happening. "Sit down, Rob." Mark smiles cheerily, sitting everyone down around the kitchen table. "Did you want me?" He asks Robbie, who turns his attention away from me to answer the question. "Me and the lads were just wondering where you were since you hadn't come down to the studio and none of us had heard from you!" Robbie replies, that doesn't explain why he let himself in... not that that's any of my business. "You didn't answer when I knocked on and that's not like you. We were worried so... 'ere I am!" Robbie opens his arms wide as he speaks cheerfully, before dropping them to rest on his thighs. Mark nods his head a little in understanding before Robbie's gaze runs back to me. "I hope you don't mind me asking but... who are you?" Robbie trys hard not to come across as rude. Before I get the chance to answer, Mark jumps in. "This is Jess." he says simply, almost trying to avoid Robbie's real question. "Who looks absolutely shattered! Do you want to go 'ave a kip or somethin' in my bed?" Mark suddely says out of nowhere. I can't help but wonder why but agree, feeling as horrible as I must look. "Do you mind... could I erm.... take a shower? please?" I ask warily, trying not to sound cheeky as I do. "Sure. My room's first on the left. Only bed made up at the minute. And the bathroom's in there." He smiles happily, pointing me in the direction of the stairs.

*Mark's POV*

I do feel a bit mean... Getting rid of her like that... but she does need sleep... and I do need to explain to Robbie. "OK... so are you going to answer my question now or just put it off again?" Rob asks, checking Jess is out of hearing range. "Right... well... i was on my way to the studio... but I heard music. It was my album. So, of course, I stopped. Because it's not the normal really. But the only place I could find the music coming from was down this little alley way. So I went down. That's where I found Jess. She was petrified of me and I just wanted to help. You know me, Rob." He shakes his head almost amused. "Yeah, I do. She could have been some sort of mass murderer or something, Marko. You really shouldn't make a habit of bring random people from alley ways home with you!" He sounds like my mother. "Anyway..." I ignore most of his comments. "She wasn't talking to me. She was cold and really scared. So I managed to talk her round and stuff and we ended up here." I lower my voice, just in case. "She's told me everything... She ran away... Did you see her wrists? The bruises? They're her dad's fault, Rob. I don't know what to do, mate. She doesn't want to go back and I can't letter her go and get hurt again now. I just can't." Robbie nods as though he's trying to be understanding. "You can't just keep her, Mark. She's not some lost puppy you found on the corner. She's an actual person. With an actual family. Even if her dad does stuff like that to her - which of course is disgusting - but I'm sure she has others. I don't know what you're gonna do mate, but we'll support you what ever. Oh, and decide quick before it's too late..."

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