Chapter 19

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With Robbie gone I don't think too much about the way he was acting and head upstairs. I almost silently knock on Jess' door, but she hears anyway. "Come in" she calls, obviously never having been asleep. "Hey... You ok?" I edge in the door slowly. She's laying in the bed, duvet bought up to her chin and she sits looking at the passport under the light of a lamp. "Yes thanks... Nervous..." She shoots me a huge grin. Honestly, I'm so happy she's going to see her mum. Because, it will be good for her. It will be good for her to sort stuff out with her family for good. Rather than just sort of... Running away. But I don't know... I'm going to miss her. "It will be OK. Promise." I show her my most reassuring smile. "Now get some sleep, big day." I give her a quick hug and gently kiss her cheek, before leaving her room completely.

Downstairs, I take a seat on the sofa, sighing at the thought of being alone yet again. I'd spent so long on my own here before Jess came along, I felt like she made everything make sense. It sounds stupid but it was like suddenly my responsibility in life was to make sure this girl was safe and happy. And that what my job. My number one priority. Somebody had trusted me with her, and I wasn't to let that down. But now she's going away for an indefinite amount of time and I'm going to be alone. With nobody... And to be honest that's a terrifying thought.

Maybe Robbie will stay with me for a while, I try to convince myself it's all going to be OK, but just the thought of Robbie right now confuses me. I don't know why but something about him today wasn't 100% Robbie Williams. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid...

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