Chapter 14

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*sorry it's short!*

Mark's POV

"Jess!" I call upstairs, after hearing Robbie knock on the door.

"Yeah?" She appears at the top, smiling at me best she can, though it's obvious she has been crying, which is completely understandable.

"I just need to pop out a minute with Rob, OK?" She nods at me sweetly, although her fake smile fades a little. I have to do this.

"I shouldn't be too long. Give me a ring if you need me though, yeah?" I show her that I have my phone on me and she just nods, disappearing back around the corner. There is a sudden loud knock in the front door again. Wow Robbie, impatient.

"Yes yes I'm coming!" I fling the door open to see Robbie looking at me in an unamused state.

"I'm sorry. C'mon." I push past him, locking the front door and dragging him with me to my car.

"Mark, my driver's ov-"

"Tell him he can go. I'll drive." I jump in the driver's seat, determined to get what I want out of today. Robbie gives in immediately, sighing and jogging over to the car before returning a few seconds later.

"You're crazy Mark. I can't believe you're actually even considering doing this. What's so great about her that you'll risk your own safety for her?!" He doesn't put his seatbelt on, leaning forward in the passenger seat to look at me quizzically.

"There's nothing special about her, Rob. She just needs someone and I've taken it upon myself to be that person. Now please. Put your seatbelt on, we're going. And if you don't I'll just have to go alone."

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