Chapter 12

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I guess telling him straight away and exactly how it is is the best way. I don't imagine he'll be that bothered anyway.

"America?!" He sounds shocked before covering it up slightly. "I mean... Erm... When are you going?" He's trying to hide looking upset, even I can see that's obvious.

"Tomorrow... Mum told me to get my dad to take me to the airport but.. Obviously... Yeah... Erm... I'll get a taxi or something..." I try not to sound too happy, but truthfully I am. I mean, I haven't seen her in so long and I miss her a lot. The past month or so has been far too crazy and I just need to get back to her.

"No there's no need. I'll take you. But, do you have your passport? A plane ticket? A suitcase? Anything?" OK maybe I never thought this one through. My mum always sends my dad the ticket in the post and obviously my passport's there. How am I supposed to do this?!

"Erm... I have a passport, yeah. But, it's not here... Obviously. And the ticket will be with it... I'll have to ring her back and explain. Oh God..." I turn my back to him, thinking about what she's going to say. She'll be mad that I ran away and the chances of her believing what my dad does are pretty slim.

"OK, I have a plan. Right, I'll buy you a new ticket, it's easier that way. And... Does your dad work?" He puts his hand on my shoulder as I remember.

"Yeah... He's a mechanic I think. Well, he fixes cars and stuff." I'm fairly sure that's his job, I never really paid much attention to what it is he does, just when he does it.

"And does he work Saturdays?" Why Saturdays? Wait, today's Saturday. Why does he want to know?

"Yeah... Erm... Usually starts around 6am and tends to get home for 7pm." Two times I'd had to grow to know very well over the years. If it got to 7pm and I wasn't back in my room with the door locked there would be trouble. And even if I did, there would usually be trouble as he nearly always went to the pub after work.

"Wow that's a lot of hours! We're you always ju- no. Now's not the time. OK so it's 4pm now..."

*Mark's POV*

3 hours. I make a mental note. OK this is mad. Am I actually going to do this? I can't do it on my own, either way. The only person I can think of crazy enough to help me is Robbie. I need Robbie to help me do this, purely for the sake of how much Jess clearly wants to see her mum again.

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