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*April 4th, 2014 - 9:36 a.m.*

It was a cool breezy morning. My blue jacket was wrapped tightly around me. My mug of coffee was placed strategically in my hands as I watched the early morning news in my favorite café.

"A local TriState area woman, identified as Lauren Henderson, was reported missing, after a week of her disappearance. It was believed that the woman was out clubbing with friends, before she was abducted, then attacked. If anyone has any information on this woman's death, please call us at the number provided at the bottom of your screen. Thank you, now back to Jim with the weather report. Jim." An elderly man reported on channel six.

She wasn't abducted.

She knew what she was doing.

She wanted me to take her home.

She got what she rightfully deserved.

I turned away from the TV and finished my coffee before I read the paper. Once I put my coffee down, I noticed a woman staring directly my way. I scanned her features: mocha colored skin, long black hair, pretty face. She was gorgeous.

Too gorgeous.

There's bound to be something wrong with her. Maybe an attitude problem. A bunch of kids. Besides, she reminds me too much of 'her'. She flashed a small, flirty smile hoping I would return the gesture. I licked my teeth, then went back to what I was doing. I could feel the disappointment on her face. I wasn't dismayed by it, as I looked at the paper, then checked my email.

Minutes later I was disturbed by the same girl. She stood over me, smiling. I had noticed she had a nice body: broad hips and thick in the thighs. This woman is too beautiful to be sane.

"Hi, is anyone sitting here?" She spoke warmly, like we've known each other forever.

I shook my head no, and watched her sit down. She had a laptop and some papers with her. She sat them flat on the table, then folded her hands and smiled at me. I never took my eyes off her, nor did my face change.

"My name's Lisa, and I had to come over because.....you are really attractive and I just had to say something." She looked in my eyes for some type of reaction. To be honest, I didn't know how to react. No one's had the decency to tell me straight up how they felt.

"I'm sorry, did I just make this awkward....for you?"

"Not really."

"Oh." She blushed, putting strands of hair behind her ear.

I watched closely and saw a student ID badge hanging around her neck. I wonder what college she goes to?

"So how long have been living in the city?"

"Bout a month now. You?"

"I've been living here, pretty much all my life. Where did you live before?"

Before I could answer her question, her phone started buzzing. That was my cue to leave. I'm not here to entertain people. I'm not here to fall in love, either. All I wanted was a cup of coffee before I left for work.

I stepped outside, leaving Lisa at the table. By the time I took three steps, I heard her call after me. I hadn't planned on stopping, but she managed to step in front of me. I took a deep breath and wiped my face.

"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't know I was holding you up."

I looked at her.

"...Okay..well I'm gonna leave now. Bye!" She scurried away, embarrassed. As bad as I wanted to keep walking, seeing her face drop made me feel bad.

"Lisa, wait..." She turned around. "About my behavior....I'm sorry. I'm just not used to making friends so....quickly."

She nodded in agreement. "I understand, but why don't you have many friends? You seem like a really cool guy."

I seem like a really cool guy?

"Really?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah really. Know what?" She giggled. It rang throughout my ears, making me feel......different.


"We are find you some friends."

"No..Lisa, you don't--"

"No, there's no arguing. We're gonna go out, have a few trunks and have fun. What's your number?"

I couldn't help but laugh. She was very persistent. Alright, I'll give her a chance. We exchanged numbers and information, before she turned to leave.

"Oh wait, what's your name? I'm sorry, I've just been so out of it, this past week."

"Chresanto August and it's fine."

"Chresanto? That's a nice name. Okay Chresanto, I'll call you sometime."

"Bye Lisa." I gave a small grin and made my way to work.


(A/N: I added a picture of Lisa on the side.)

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