Last Night Was...

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Lisa's POV

*April 6th 2014 - 11:12 a.m.*

I woke up with a massive headache. I slowly sat up on my elbows and rubbed my eyes. When I opened them, I realized I wasn't at home. This wasn't my bed, my room nor my pajamas. I wasn't even wearing pajamas. I had on some oversized t-shirt. I looked around the room, looking for any sign as to where the hell I was, or how I got here.

I threw the covers back and got up. I noticed a door on the other side of the bed, so I walked through it, to see a beautiful bathroom. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and almost screamed.

I looked like shit.

Then I remembered what happened last night. The club, Chresanto meeting me at the club, the people, the many shots I took. Then the altercation between my ex and Chresanto. The one part that stuck mostly in my brain from their fight, was Chresanto telling Jaden that he was my "new nigga". But I don't remember ever saying we were in a relationship. Maybe I was hearing things.

Lisa, you gotta stop drinking.

I ran the shower and let the hot, steamy water hit my body. I made sure to take a pretty long shower considering, I needed to feel fresh. I wanted to wash last night off me. Once I was done, I hopped out and wrapped a towel around me. I dried off and walked back in the bedroom, still trying to figure out how I got here. I was hoping this was Chresanto's house and he didn't mind me using his hot water. I found my clothes neatly folded on a chair by the window, with my shoes sitting in front of the chair. I put my panties, bra and dress back on while holding my heels in my hand.

After I dressed, the smell of breakfast food hit my nose. I sniffed and a smile of delight crossed my face. I followed the scent down a long hallway and down the stairs, to a living room, which opened to the kitchen. I looked around for any sign of life, but no one was here. Hesitantly, I stepped into the kitchen, where I saw eggs, bacon, pancakes all in pans. A glass of orange juice was sitting on the counter and two bowels of fruit were on the table. I walked over to the fridge and tried looking for a water bottle, so I could take an Aspirin or Motrin.

"I see your finally awake."

I jumped from Chresanto's deep voice. I turned around to see him, standing against a door post in a black tank and basketball shorts. I noticed a gleaming gold chain around his neck and the veins popping from it. He must of noticed me staring and chuckled. I cleared my throat and closed his fridge.

"I was looking for some water."

"Water? For what?"

"I have this raging headache and...."

He walked from the doorpost to the cabinet, which was behind me and rummaged through it. He pulled out a bottle of Aspirin, opened it and handed me two pills. He poured me a glass of water and I swallowed the pills, then chased them down with the water. He patted my back, softly then went back to the stove. I moved from where I was standing to the other side of the counter. I watched as he finished cooking a breakfast fit for three people.

I took in a deep breath and examined his home. I loved how the fireplace sat in front of his couch, but no TV? He had three white sofas in his living room, along with a coffee table covered by magazines and mail. His kitchen was huge, with a very long island counter, three door fridge, a table that could fit six people and marble counter tops.

"This is such a lovely home."

He didn't say anything. He kept cooking and making me feel like I shouldn't be here. Maybe this is his way of saying I'm wearing out my welcome. I sighed deeply and picked up my heels.

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