Didn't Plan This

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Chresanto's POV

*Same Day 7:43 p.m.*

"Ow Chresanto, this hurts!"

"I'm sorry. Just sit still and it won't hurt."

I had been cleaning Lisa's dark bruises for almost an hour. Right after we left the restaurant, she had to go back to Jaden, who only beat her some more. The sick bastard....! Just the mention of his stupid name, makes me mad as fuck.

Remember what we talked about Chresanto....

Not right now. I already have a plan and I intend on sticking with it.

We'll see how long you "stick with" this shitty ass plan...


There's always plan B....

I rolled my eyes and dabbed at the discoloration on Lisa's back. It was horrible, how he just hit her for no fucking reason.

But was this or was this not you just months ago?

Fuck off, alright?!

"Chresanto, are you okay?"

Lisa had a puzzled look on her face, as she watched me attend to her wounds. I took a deep breath and continued.

"I'll be fine."

"I know this looks bad, but..."

"But nothing. He had no fucking right and I don't like that you're trying to take up for him. Don't ever take up for that bastard." I made her look at me, as I went off. She knew I was right.

"Okay. I'm sorry." She began to cry and I kissed her forehead.

"No need to apologize. Now shower and dress so we can get the rest of your things."

I drove, as she gave me directions to his house. When we finally got there, I parked across the street. His yellow and black Corvette wasn't in the driveway, so we're assuming he wasn't home.

"You should wait in the car, in case he comes home."

I nodded and she got out, heading inside his house. I waited patiently, as she would come out every five minutes with bags of stuff. I helped get them in, and we were almost in the clear when...

"Oh shit, my CD's! Where are my CDs?! And my fucking laptop, that has all my school work in it!"


"I need to get the rest of my things. I'll be back out." She took off back in the house, and I sighed, closing the car door. I got back in the driver's seat.

Five minutes turned into twenty. I checked my watch one last time, when I felt heavy vibrations. I looked up in shock and awe.

"Ahh shit..."

He had pulled into his driveway, sloppily. That's when he came out the car, almost tripping over nothing. He had a bottle in his hand, and I knew he was drunk. I decided against going in after him, as that would be trespassing.

More time passed and I saw lights flick on. I was close enough to see shadows of things, but I couldn't exactly see what was going on. That's when I heard something break. I panicked and pulled into his driveway. The closer I was to the house, the more scary shit I heard.

The screams of mercy...

Things breaking everywhere...

Utter chaos...

I ran inside and saw him on top of her. He had a fistful of her hair, as he found it acceptable to jam his fist into her face. I don't know what came over me, but I tore my belt off from my waist and wrapped it around his stupid neck. He let her go and tried to get me off of himself. That's when Lisa stood up, broken nose and everything, trying to pry me off him.

"Chresanto, what are you doing?! Stop it please!!"

"JUST GET IN THE CAR!! AND DON'T. COME. OUT!!!" I yelled. She must not have heard me the first time, because she still tried to stop me, but I didn't want to stop.


She looked at me, before she took off outside crying. I hate to yell at her, but she should've listened. Now, where were we....

Once she left outside, I let Jaden fall to the floor. He was gasping for air, but I wasn't going to let him catch his breath. I grabbed him by his collar and contacted my fist with his face, forcefully.


And another punch.


And another punch.


And another.







"A woman."

I dropped him and let his blood spill out onto the floor. I gave him a few good kicks to the side before I heard honking. I looked up between the closed curtains and knew it was Lisa. I quickly grabbed the rest of her things and ran to the car.

Lisa's POV

*9:23 p.m.*

We finished getting everything in Chres's house. Boxes filled his living room, and I sat down on one. My body ached and I felt as though I needed to visit a hospital.

"We can unpack another day, but for now you need a bath."

I looked over at Chresanto and noticed his knuckles were a a deep shade of red. I shivered at the thought. Could he have...?


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