A Missing Person's Report

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Roc's POV

*May 10th 2014 - 11:48 a.m.*

I watched as Lisa slept in another one of my shirts. She looked so calm and peaceful, like an angel. I just wanted to get in with her and hold her real close. She just doesn't know how much I want her. I wanna be more than friends, but she keeps holding back. I've tried multiple times to touch her, at least kiss her but ever since that night, she acts shy now.

I kind of regret what happened. They beat her. After I told them not to hurt her, I made sure to specify that I only wanted them to follow her.

They didn't listen to me...

Shit like that makes me furious! I gave them a simple instruction, yet they couldn't even do that. Just wait until I see those bitch ass niggas, I swear I will kill each and every one of them!

Anyway, if you didn't know, I've been keeping Lisa with me for the past month. We've done a lot of things together, but there's still some things we haven't done yet. Besides, like I said before I like it when she stays over. I don't like to see her leave, ever. Therefore, I make sure she takes her medication every night.

My thoughts were interrupted by Lisa yawning. I watched as she stretched out her arms. She turned on her side and didn't move.

I looked back out the window, wondering when she'll let me in.

"Chresanto?" I darted my eyes her way. She sat straight up and crossed her legs. She tugged on the shirt, making her look really sexy.


"How long were you watching me?"

To be honest, I had been watching her since I woke up. That was at 7:25.

"Not long." She flipped her hair out her face and bit her lip. I really wish she didn't do that, she doesn't understand what that does to me. It just makes me wanna attack her.

"Oh." She was looking down, still biting her lip.


She nodded her head while looking at me. I stood up and went to grab my robe, then strolled downstairs to my kitchen. I started getting out the pans and ingredients to make Lisa's breakfast, like I've been doing ever since that night at the club.

*1:43 p.m.*

Today Lisa and I just decided to curl up and watch a movie. We were in my room, chilling on my bed. I had my left arm around her waist, while she held onto me. This is as close to sex as I can get. We were still in our pajamas: her in my t-shirt and me in my pajama bottoms and a tank. We were watching Boomerang with Eddie Murphy and a whole lot of other famous people. I listened to Lisa laugh at every funny scene. She has the cutest laugh. It made my ears ring.

"Why aren't you laughing? This movie is funny as hell."

"I've seen it so many times, so I know every joke by now." I said, wrapping her jet black hair around my index finger. It was silky smooth, but I knew it was a weave. I honestly don't know why she wears one, she'd look better without it.


"Besides, I like hearing you laugh."

I could tell she was blushing, by how tightly she was holding my waist. I used my left hand to play with her hair. It was so silky smooth, like her body too. I looked back at the TV and it was the sex scene between Eddie and Robin Givens. I looked down at Lisa, who was looking up at me. Slowly, she crept up to my lips. At first, it was just a peck but it quickly turned into her lip biting. My hand dropped from her waist to her ass, as she put both hands behind my head. I made her straddle me, while I slipped my tongue in. I moved my hands from her ass, to both her thighs while we still kept our kiss. I was about to slip my hand down her panties, when she pulled away.

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