Epilogue Prt. 1

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The next two chapters are from the narrators POV.

Chresanto's eyes soon became very dark, and dull lacking the vibrant light brown color they once were. Filling even almost the whites of his eyes, they started a dark shade of grey, and eventually, turning a full black. A devious smile plastered his face, making a pregnant Lisa turn pale. She was frightened and didn't know what to do.



The voices inside Chresanto's mind had completely taken over his body, changing his thought process completely. As many times Chresanto warned people not to upset him, you'd think they would listen, especially Lisa.

"What's wrong with your eyes?"

"Nothing. Now tell me again, who is that man, in that car, outside my house?"

Even his voice had scared poor Lisa, as she couldn't recognize it. She could hardly describe it as if, there were more than just one person talking. Not just him, but twenty plus voices and they all were raspy and riggid. With every breath, it seemed like Chresanto, or whoever this person was, had tightened his grip on Lisa's arms.

"H-he's just a friend, I swear!"

Chresanto, shook his head, devious smirk and all. A small, deep throated chuckle rose from his lips, as he looked deeper into Lisa's eyes.

"You're lying, Lisa..."

This statement came out like a song, almost. A horrible lullaby that one heard only in scary movies. Lisa shivered in his cold, hard grip and was caught off guard as Chresanto, slammed her to the floor. She grunted and shrieked in pain, as he kneeled overtop of her. His grip moved from her arms, to her neck. Cutting off all air supply to Lisa, and the baby, slowly.

"I'm going to ask one more time, because I'm feeling generous: Who is the man, down in that Acura, outside my house?!"

She gasped for air, trying to pry his fingers off her neck. She struggled to kick her legs and wave her arms, only because of her expected panicking. She looked in her, past lover's eyes, and couldn't find anything: not a trace that the man she once....strongly liked, was anywhere in this new found 'creature'.

"All you have to do is tell me the truth."

The creature's eyes had fully gone black. It's smile dropped into a soul fearing scowl. The veins popped from it's arms and neck, focusing on destroying it's prey. Second by second, poor Lisa lost more and more air supply. She thought this would be the end for her and her baby for sure, until...


Prince had wrapped his arms around a possessed Chresanto's neck, after walking into the apartment. He noticed Lisa had been gone for a while, but once he saw that she'd been in the house for more than an hour, he made it his business to find her. And when he did, he didn't like what he saw...

"Prince..." Lisa gasped, once the creatures hands released her.

"Man, what the fuck is wrong with you?! She's pregnant!"

"With your baby, right?"

The creature asked, smirking and almost producing heavy chuckles. Prince wrestled him to the ground, enraged, and tried to punch Chresanto, but Chresanto caught his fist and punched him in the jaw. Prince fell to the side, groaning in pain.

"This the nigga you been screwing behind my back? Him?!"

Lisa started to crawl backwards, tears clouding her vision.


"Chresanto's not here."

The creature, who somehow got stronger by the minute, grabbed a huge chuck of Lisa's hair and dragged her into his bathroom, slamming the door shut. Prince, holding his jaw, stood up and ran towards the bathroom door.

"Open the fucking door! Lisa!!"

All he was able to hear, were Lisa's last screams. She cried and struggled to stay alive, but the creature was determined.

"Lisa!! I'm coming for you!!"

Prince tried to jingle the handle, even was ready to kick open the door. But he stopped once it grew completely silent. He grew worried and fearful of the worst.


No answer.


Prince started banging on the door, jingling the handle again.


He continued banging, meanwhile, Chresanto had fully gained composure of himself. He was fully aware of what had happened and what he had done. He laid his head against the tub, eyes closed, as he stroked Lisa's jet black, silky hair.

"I'm sorry..."

He whispered into the atmosphere, knowing she couldn't hear him anymore. Her blood was splattered all over the bathroom floor; on the walls, carpet, encrypted into the tile and even mixed with the bath water. He had just murdered his lover, and her baby.

Finally, Prince kicked down the door and was so heated. His chest heaved up and down, as his eyes got wide in horror. His eyes laid upon the woman he had planned to spend his life with, who was now laying limp in Chresanto's lap.

"You sick bastard!"

He charged at Chresanto, pulled him to his feet and attempted to drown him, too. Chresanto fought to be released, but like him, Prince was blinded by anger. Prince hadn't planned on stopping until he was pulled back.

"Prince, what you doing man?!"

"The fuck does it look like!?"

Ray had pulled him back and had him in a full nelson. Prince struggled and fought but soon gave in and lowered himself to the floor. Ray let him go and looked around.

"Oh shit...."

Chresanto had come out the water by now, coughing for air. He fell to the floor, crawling away from the tub.

"Come on man."


Prince looked at Ray, in shock and anger.

"We need to go...now." Ray pulled him to his feet.

"What do you mean-"

"Look, he's gonna go down. And unless you plan on going down with him, then I suggest you move your ass." Ray looked at Prince sternly, before rushing to call 911.


(A/N: Wow...

Sorry it took me so long to update, I've been hella busy. I just got my permit so I couldn't find much time to really write. Just to let y'all know, this is the second to last chapter...It's almost over..*sad face*)

Comments highly appreciated.

Votes most wanted.

A follow would be nice.


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