Missing You Prt. 1

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Lisa's POV

*June 3rd 2014 - 10:45 a.m.*

"You know, I've got some class notes if you need them."

"Thanks Harm, but I think I'm good. I just need someone to help with this paperwork though."

"I would, but I got a date."

"Ooh, a date. With who?" I turned around in my seat and watched her put on this red sundress with brown sandals. Her dark, red hair, was pulled into a tight bun while her eye makeup was very light and natural. She looked antsy, like she was late already.

"This really cute guy. We met at the club and he gave me his number, so I called him."

"What's his name?" I repeated, wishing she wasn't ignoring my question.

"Even though he's real cute, he doesn't look like the type who believes in monogamous relationships. But I do like his style. For a really skinny guy, he's always wearing like three layers of clothes." She cooed, staring at the ceiling, irritating me. I just shook my head and dropped the topic.

"Well I gotta go. Bye babe, don't wait up!" And with that, she waltzed out our dorm, purse in hand with sunglasses on to match her early summer look. It's good to see her happy again. I just wish I could get my life back together sooner so I could waltz out doors like that.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and noticed a text from Jaden. What the hell does he want? We haven't spoken since Chresanto.....never mind. I promised myself I wasn't gonna bring his ass up again. I shook off any past memories coming back and read the text.

Why haven't you called me back? I wanna talk.

I started playing with my thumbs, wondering if I should reply. Before I could, he called me. Hesitantly, I answered. I slowly put the phone to my ear.

"Hello? Lisa, are you there?"

I took a deep breath, wanting to hurry up and get this over with.

"Yeah, I'm here. What do you want Jaden?"

"I'm calling cause I been wanting to know where you been at. I been calling and calling, but you never answer me."

"That's because I'm always busy. Like right now." Jaden, I dumped you. We are no longer together, so stop acting like we are. Damn!

"Busy with what?"

"Look, I have work to do, so unless you calling about something important, don't."

"Lisa, I just wanted--" Before he could finish his sentence, I hung up. I don't have time for a man right now, I need to get back to my life.

Chresanto's POV

*10:40 a.m.*

I sat in my porsche, watching from afar. She was just sitting there, doing her work. She looked so pretty and innocent like. I saw her push some hair behind her hair, as she lounged in sweats and a tank top. She doesn't understand how sexy she looks right now.


God, I love hearing her name. It makes me weak, that's why I can't stay away. The best part is, she has no idea either. She's probably seen me, without seeing me. I'm okay with that.

I looked back at her in her window, and saw her turn towards her roommate. I'm not gonna lie, her roommate looks bad as hell, but Lisa's a fucking goddess. Time passed and the roommate eventually left, then her phone rang and she stared at it. I didn't know exactly who it was, but I had a guess. She looked bored and frustrated with this person.

Ever since she left me that night, I been keeping tabs on her. She hasn't been with anyone since then, fortunately for them, but she has been out to the clubs a lot. Which I don't like cause I've seen her dance, and it's like she used to be a stripper, with the way her body moves. I know my baby could probably work the pole, if someone motivated her. And I should be that only person.

An hour passed, and Lisa finally got up from her desk. That's when I got closer. I saw her head towards her bathroom and that was my cue.

I stepped out my car, locked it, then made my way towards the dorms. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a yellow and black Corvette swerve up to the parking lot. I acted like I was going straight for another dorm, trying to see who coulda been in that Corvette. My face dropped in disgust when I saw that half gold-blonde, half dark brown head pop out. I dodged my head and threw my hood on over my head, making sure he couldn't recognize me. What the hell is he doing here? I could feel my teeth grind against each other as my jaw clinched together. I wish I had brought a bat or club, or something. So I could bash him over the head with it. I walked around the building, back to where my car was parked and looked back up in Lisa's apartment. I waited and waited for what seemed like forever, until I saw any movement. I saw Jaden come to her window and close her blinds.....


Does this nigga have the key to her dorm? And I don't?! Why the fuck is he even here? I'm sick of playing games....this shit needs to stop and soon. I'm tired of this nigga, or any other nigga, popping up, interrupting me when I'm so close to getting back to Lisa. My hands gripped the steering wheel firmly, as I started my car. I vigorously drove out of my spot and back down the main street. I really didn't care about anyone else on this fucking road right now, not even myself. I woulda been happy to have got into an accident, but it never happened. Once I made it home, I stormed inside, throwing my jacket off. I was so frustrated, angry. I felt a joint jump in my neck. My eye started to twitch and I just....lost it. In only a matter of a few seconds, I had managed to completely destroy my basement. Chairs and tables flipped over, glass broke and dumbbells had been tossed into walls, leaving gapping holes. I flipped shit, allover some fuck nigga who wasn't bout shit. I was about to destroy the nearest table next to me, but stopped when I saw my equipment. I dropped the bat in my hand and walked closer to my medication.

The white, powdery substance laid complied on a plastic cover. It shimmered in the light, as the metal string from the single bulb rocked back and forth. It was calling my name and I was tempted...


(A/N: Thanks again for the reads and the comments! I read them all and I appreciate y'alls feedback, it keeps me motivated!)

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