Something Keeps Pulling Me Back

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Lisa's POV

*April 19th 2014 - 6:47 p.m.*

My eyes flashed open, making my stomach jump. I was disappointed to find myself still at his house. I had a dream that I was in my own home, and my parents were there.

Oh my parents! I haven't talked to my mother in days, and she calls me every week.

I then tried to sit up, but was restrained by Chresanto's arms. When did this nigga get in the bed with me?! I slowly lifted his left arm, then his right until I was able to scoot off the bed. I needed to get out of here and fast. I raced to put on some shoes, and a coat. I tip-toed out his room, cause he kept moving. Once I got downstairs, I crept towards the door, opened it, closed it gently then ran like a bat outta hell. I took off down the street. Once I thought I was safe, I started slowing my pace. I can barely remember how to get to my dorms from this part of the city. It was even harder, without having my phone to call someone, or even get directions. I turned corners and passed many stores, but none of them looked familiar. To make matters worse, I think I just strolled into the dangerous part of the city: as if New York isn't already dangerous enough after dark.

I passed three guys talking on the corner, and put my head down. It didn't really work, cause they saw me. They started following behind me, talking shit.

"Yo, nigga you see that?"

"Yeah. Aye, lil' mama, what you doing out here all by yoself?"

I bit my lip, clenching my coat closer to me as the rain started to pour. I heard more trash talking as they got closer. Then outta nowhere, two more dudes started walking from the side of me. I picked up the pace, but they were right there. Then I started a full sprint. They did too. I thought I was in the clear, seeing as how they couldn't keep up but I was wrong when some random nigga grabbed my arms. I was scared cause he literally came outta nowhere. I started backing up and fidgeting to get loose, but he had a tight grip. I really need to take some defense classes, on the real. This 'grab Lisa so she can't move' shit is annoying as hell. He turned me around to face him: he had really curly hair that was shaped at the top of his head. He was light skin and was only the same height as me. Even though I was scared outta my mind, he was really cute. Too cute to do what I hope he isn't gonna do.

His friends soon showed up, walking slowly towards me. Once they all got close enough, the light skin one holding me threw me back into a wall. I thought now would be a good time to make a run for it, but that backfired cause they just caught me and pushed me back. My back ached from hitting the wall twice, so I just pressed into the wall, ready to defend a way.

"What should we do with her?" A dark skin one with dreads asked. I looked back and forth between all seven of them.

"I got about ten things we could do with her, and three of them might be considered illegal." Another spoke, ending with a evil chuckle. He smirked and winked at me, I twisted my face.

"All I know is, I get first." The light skin one that was holding me said. He approached me fast, and grabbed a handful of my hair. He started tearing at my clothes, throwing my coat on the dirty, wet ground. I tried to grab at his hands, but another one of them caught me. He took my wrists and threw me face first into the wall. I felt them pull my clothes, saying provocative things about my body and snicker as I cried and screamed for help.

"Bitch, shut up! You keep your mouth shut, and maybe we'll take it easy on you." The one with dreads said, after slapping me to be quiet. Hot tears ran down my cheek, as I held my face. I closed my eyes, awaiting for the cruel punishment ahead of me. Then I heard someone yelling. Then it sounded like someone was fighting. I was too frightened to turn around, I just silently cried in my hands. Minutes later, the only sound I heard was the rain hitting the concrete. Hesitantly, I slowly looked up. Then I felt someone put their hands on my shoulder. I screamed and begged for mercy.

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